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  1. saltywaters


    We are looking for new lighting for our new 90g tank. Can you recommend a good T5HO light? We are looking for lighting that will give us the option to have any corals. This is the setup we're looking at, but hate to have to hang it. 48" ATI 4x54W Powermodule T5 High-Output Fixture w/ Bulbs This...
  2. saltywaters

    Beginner needing advice

    We look to be doing a skimmer in the near future, but no, there isn't one right now. Not sure on the sand. He mentioned the powerheads blowing it around, and a fish he had just gotten rid of was moving everything around. Thanks- Originally Posted by Jstdv8 I didnt see a skimmer in any of the...
  3. saltywaters

    Beginner needing advice

    We went back today to take measurements, get a water sample, and take some pictures. The water tested great - no issues according to the LFS. I really want your opinion of the refugium. Take a look at the pics ad let me know what you think. We're going to end up keeping a majority of the water...
  4. saltywaters

    Beginner needing advice

    All he told me on the powerheads is that they are Seio brand. The lighting is a Current Orbit 260W. I've been checking on what is best for positioning for powerheads, and have been getting mixed reviews. Should I position the powerheads on opposite walls facing opposite walls? Or should they...
  5. saltywaters

    Beginner needing advice

    We live in Wichita, Kansas. I just got off the phone with a local petshop, and they sell RO water for 39 cents a gallon. So it should only cost me $50 or less to fill up the tank plus a 50 gallon overflow. I am very nervous to buy something that I think may already have some issues, but it...
  6. saltywaters

    Beginner needing advice

    I would rather do a complete water change if everything will be alright with it. I am not sure on the power heads, I didn't see a name on them, but I will ask and see if he knows. On the sand, if replacing it would help prevent problems, I'll just replace it. I am not a fan on the black sand...
  7. saltywaters

    Beginner needing advice

    Yes, we are wanting to run corals, and lots of them. Acutally, we are wanting to run a reef tank with fish. Any suggestions on what lights we should look at getting? Also, how much of his water do I need to keep to keep everything alive and happy? He is about 30 minutes away from me. If I...
  8. saltywaters

    Beginner needing advice

    Thanks for the reply. Just to clarify, the purple "film" is a commercial tint that was applied to the glass. I just wanted to be sure removing it wasn't going to disrupt the current environment. We can tell it's a tint because there are two scratches in it and its peeling at the edges. Also, I...
  9. saltywaters

    Beginner needing advice

    First off, my fiance and I are doing salt water for the first time. We have the opportunity to pick up a 90 gallon tank with pretty much everything I think we need, but I have a couple concerns. When we went to look at it I asked him when he had checked his water last. He told me he's never...