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  1. quillfighter

    Red slime & Cloudy Water

    I have had a bit of a cyano outbreak the past 2 months but nothing real bad. The last week however the water has become very cloudy and I have no idea what to do about it or whats causing it. Are they related issues? Tank parameters all fine Ammonia Nitrite and Nitrate are all zero. All the...
  2. quillfighter

    Stocking a 270

    Looks good to me, biut beware I hear the marching of the Tang Police! Actually I wouldn't go with the shark!:D
  3. quillfighter

    Coral Beatuy and Flame Angel

    To the first question: probably I have both in a 75 gallon, I had the coral beauty first and the first day the CB spent a good deal of time pushing the flame angel around. After re-arranging some territory and 24 hours they became buddies. Note: During the first 24 hours there was some bullying...
  4. quillfighter

    Regal Angel

    Thanks for all the replies! That article was a good read :D
  5. quillfighter

    Regal Angel

    Hi all, I'm dead set on getting a regal angel. I am looking for any helpful info on successfully keeping one from those who know =) I am very aware of how difficult these are to keep so please refrain from telling me that :D Eating habits and preferences would be especially helpful as well as...
  6. quillfighter

    Who would have thought these three would be buds?

    Same situation here with a PBT, Regal tang and a Koran.
  7. quillfighter

    Coral Beaty with Flame Angel?

    Worked for me also, just had to re-arrange some territory.
  8. quillfighter

    DETROIT 180gal w.pinestand

    Alright soinds good, when you're ready let me know Thanks, Jeremy
  9. quillfighter

    DETROIT 180gal w.pinestand

    If you'll take 500 for it consider it sold, I'm in Grand Rapids. And can come pick it up pretty much any evening. Thanks Quillfighter
  10. quillfighter

    Coral beauty

    A Coral Beauty is a 'reef fish' not an open water fish. The Fish will be fine in the hex tank with a low bioload. As long as the water parameters are good. I'm not saying the move to the 55 when possible isn't the best choice but for the timeframe he stated it will be fine. Frankly, his setup...
  11. quillfighter

    better fish for me flame angel or coral beauty?

    I have both in 1 tank :eek: However I got very lucky and would never recommend it. But as I watch both I'm probably overall happier with the Coral Beauty, the Flame Angels are stunners and great fish indeed but they are also a little bolder in temperment in my experience. The Coral Beauty is a...
  12. quillfighter

    Went for a ride

    I think one thing to consider is the swimming power of the fish make sure the fish wont become stuck to the cover as well.... I lost a fish due to this :(
  13. quillfighter

    Live rock??

    I paid 260 for 95 pounds and it was gorgeous rock, it's really hit or miss. :D
  14. quillfighter


    You drink freshwater.... use that. it's just like saltwater without the salt. I can't believe I'm reading this and replying :D
  15. quillfighter

    2 tangs in a 75 reef?

    Zane, I think that fact that you even asked shows you have concern, and I agree with you that there are some PETA lurkers hanging around just jumping on people =P I think you should go ahead and get a yellow and a blue, just get a small one 2-3 inches and know that at some point you may either...
  16. quillfighter

    Domino not playing with a full deck

    I saw the part about what I did being cruel, I didn't see the help part though. Anyway the post was about Dominos taking a host. Hence I felt your comment was more a judgement of my method of cycling tanks than anything to do with the anemone/damsel relationship. No hard feelings though I hope...
  17. quillfighter

    Domino not playing with a full deck

    Well JennyL my tank, my fish and I thank you for your concern. The tank in question has now been cycled for quite some time and not a single damsel was lost, in fact they have all grown substantially and are quite happy. As for " I dont mean to be rude" stop right there, you said what you said...
  18. quillfighter

    Domino not playing with a full deck

    A week ago I noticed a domino damsel I had used to cycle my newest tank was all washed out, I thought "great here we go" :D But then I notice him lay himself down right in a bubble tip anemone I have. So now it's a normal occurance he swims around a little bit comes right back and lays in the...
  19. quillfighter

    tropical play sand?

    Amanda, are you getting this sand in Portage if so, I need some as well so if you have an address to the location or any info please email me Tanks =P
  20. quillfighter

    snowflake not eating

    My SFE loves krill also, and is as blind as bat. Try leaving some food up against a rock in a place where the current wont move it before lights out, chances are he will find it while ya sleep. Once you can get him eating and feeling at home SF's are alot of fun and are great to hand feed.