Domino not playing with a full deck


New Member
A week ago I noticed a domino damsel I had used to cycle my newest tank was all washed out, I thought "great here we go" :D But then I notice him lay himself down right in a bubble tip anemone I have. So now it's a normal occurance he swims around a little bit comes right back and lays in the BTA. Has anyone seen this type of thing before?
Just curious, it seems to be washing him out but it's like he's addicted to it.


New Member
I don't mean to be rude but it is really cruel and totally unneccessary to cycle a tank with live fish.


New Member
Well JennyL my tank, my fish and I thank you for your concern. The tank in question has now been cycled for quite some time and not a single damsel was lost, in fact they have all grown substantially and are quite happy. As for " I dont mean to be rude" stop right there, you said what you said and you knew what you meant when you said it, which is to say you did mean to be rude.
We can go even further on this issue though, I would contest it is just as cruel to hold any animal in captivity that makes it home in the wild , surely no aquarium large or small comes close to the living conditions of the ocean itself. But I'm sure you dont have an aquarium and would never do such a thing.
Please dont grandstand or hijack the thread with this stuff if you question the method in which I cycled this tank why dont you ask me some questions, surely there was more to it then throwing 2 fish in it.
Fine morning...


New Member
Hi QuillFighter,
Please excuse me for caring about your fish and trying to help you. I certainly will not make the same mistake in the future.


New Member
I saw the part about what I did being cruel, I didn't see the help part though.
Anyway the post was about Dominos taking a host. Hence I felt your comment was more a judgement of my method of cycling tanks than anything to do with the anemone/damsel relationship.
No hard feelings though I hope :D
I do however occasionally feed my aggressive only tank live food. So i guess I got some 'splaining to do come judgement day. :p