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  1. clownbuddies

    feed a long tip anemone

    How often do you feed a long tip anemone. I am feeding it pieces of shrimp. The anemone is about 6+ inches when open. thanks
  2. clownbuddies

    water testing confusing

    I am using a home test kit. Which is a good home test kit?
  3. clownbuddies

    water testing confusing

    I have been cycling my tank for 3 weeks with LR. All my levels are 0 except I have a little bit of ammonia. I don't have quite .25 but I don't have 0 either. Why is this? Do I just need to do a water change. Or will it eventually go away. Please tell me it isn't going to cycle again. Is it ok...
  4. clownbuddies

    cycle quarantine tank?

    What is an approximate time that it will take to cycle if I don't have anything else in the tank. I just have water and sand.
  5. clownbuddies

    cycle quarantine tank?

    I am getting ready to order some fish for my 55 Gal. The water in that tank has cycled. I have a quarantine tank that I will hold the fish in for a few days to make sure they are alright. My question is this. Do I need to cycle the water in my 20 gal quarantine tank, If I only hold the fish in...
  6. clownbuddies

    thanks for the help

    I want to thank those who gave me info. on quieting my wet/dry hang over the tank system. I thought the sound was going to drive me nuts. I followed the advice and installed a Durso standpipe. When I was reading what parts it involved I have to turn that part over to my husband. He was able to...
  7. clownbuddies

    loud wet dry system. Help

    I have a wet/dry that syphons of the top and goes into a tube that empties into the sump. When the water is entering into the tube it is quite load. We have the tank in our livingroom, so I would like it to me a little more quiet. Is there anything I can do?:rolleyes: :confused: :rolleyes...
  8. clownbuddies

    add sand to tank

    I started the filter up again this morning. There wasn't a change from last night. I had a 20 Gal. that I put some of the sand in and I kept it running all night. It cleared out by morning. It didn't have as much of the Aragonit sand in it and it is smaller, but it did clear out. I put my LR...
  9. clownbuddies

    add sand to tank

    I used aragonite sand. I have been cycling my tank for 2 weeks with LR. I just added the sand tonight and it is very, very milky. I guess I will turn the pump off. There are no creatures in there yet.
  10. clownbuddies

    add sand to tank

    After rinsing the sand and adding it to my tank, do I leave the filter on or off. I remember reading something on this message board, but I can't remember. How long until the milkiness goes away?:)
  11. clownbuddies

    bio balls or no bio balls

    I am getting ready to set up a 55 bow tank. I inherited a wet/dry system with bio-balls. I am reading that bio-balls are not a good thing. Should I use the wet/dry system without the balls. Is that possible?
  12. clownbuddies

    Ammonia Spik--Help!!!

    I ended up taking out everything and taking the CC out, replaced it with sand. Things are much better now. I still show a .5 of ammonia but that is at least better than 8.0 and off the charts. The damsel looks much better. I will check the ammonia tomorrow and then do another replacement if...
  13. clownbuddies

    Ammonia Spik--Help!!!

    I have a 5 gallon that has been going for a year. I tested the ammonia the other day and it was.25. I did a water change. then today my yellow tail damsel was not looking good. that is the only fish I have in the tank. I tested an the ammonia was off the charts. two of my turbo snails died...
  14. clownbuddies

    plumbing for my pump

    I am getting ready to set up my tank. I just got my pump that will be submersed in my wet/dry system. I am know I need to get 3/4" flex tube to bring the water up into the tank. What type of plumbing do I need to get the hose into the tank and make it stay there? Do I put the tube below the...
  15. clownbuddies

    silica sand

    Since inquiring about the CC vs Sand I have been looking for some white sand at Lowes and Home Depot even Walmart. I can't find the name brands you have been saying. Where else can you look?
  16. clownbuddies

    what order to add to the tank

    Ok, now I am convinced to us sand instead of CC. I will be using Lr and sand. What order do I put things in and when I add the water should it be mixed already or can I put the water in and then add the salt. If I have the LR do I need the dead shrimp or does the die off of the rock substitute...
  17. clownbuddies

    cc verses sand?

    I am going to have life rock, so can I just add sand and it will get the live stuff from the rock?
  18. clownbuddies

    cc verses sand?

    Are you saying that I can buy sand and just let it develope the bacteria it needs by itself, and not add anything else to it?
  19. clownbuddies

    cc verses sand?

    I have a 5 gallon tank that I have had for 1 year that has CC in it. Can I take some of that and put it in the sand from Lowe's?
  20. clownbuddies

    cc verses sand?

    But how do you get just one cup of live sand without buying 20lbs?????:confused: