Search results

  1. tdragon

    Looking for 72-120 gal in Boston

    hello i have a 120gal tank for sale but its just the tank let me know if you are interested. best way is to email me -
  2. tdragon

    Mag Drive Pump

    i may be interested were are you located?
  3. tdragon

    Items for sale in Massachusetts

    shoot me an email with what mag pumps you have
  4. tdragon

    old gym lights

    hey marco i accidently deleted your email can you email me again with a ballpark price
  5. tdragon

    old gym lights

    hey email me im right in lynn and very interested my email is thanks J
  6. tdragon

    Macros Needed!

    beaslbob could u send me the links also im at thanks
  7. tdragon

    for sale or trade

    sorry i dont have ne pics
  8. tdragon

    for sale or trade

    i have a big wet/dry custom made the measurements are 19"tall 301/4"long and 161/2"wide. i also have a rainbow lifegard system that includes the chemical,mechianical, and heater part the only thing is the heater part is missing he heater and cap. im im mass and would like alocal buyer but i may...
  9. tdragon


    want to trade for xbox and games the games r blood omen2,spiderman,splinter cell,and nfl feaver 2003 and two controlers and im in lynn ma
  10. tdragon

    shark egg

    no not if ur not gonna upgrade in a couple years a bamboo needs at least a 180 gal tank when full grown
  11. tdragon

    ot let me know what ya think

    thanks i didnt evn notice that
  12. tdragon

    ot let me know what ya think

    ok i changed that ne other sugg.?
  13. tdragon

    ot let me know what ya think

    ne sugg or ne one that has pics to donate to post on the site thanks
  14. tdragon

    shark egg

    as far as how long they take to hatch it depends on how old the egg is mine took 5 weeks.u could get 1 shark egg and 1 shark hat would b fine the hardest thing is to get the shark to strt eating after they hatch i hatched one and he ate right away but ohers have hatched one and it hasnt started...
  15. tdragon

    wtt xbox and gmes for a 120gal

    the title says it all if ne 1 has an extra 120 and wants an xbox here a go
  16. tdragon


    for those of u that use it how often do u change it?
  17. tdragon


    how many ppl run carbon on there system does it help ne im building as 360 and wondering if runnig carbon would b benifital? ne opions
  18. tdragon

    stupid question

    i know this seems like a stupid question but im not sure on the answer what is the dif between pc and vho? thanks
  19. tdragon


    i changed my mind on how im gonna set up my tank sump and fuge and i need help on some ideas on how to get the water into the fuge and sump ne sugg would help also if u can include drawings that would b nice thanks
  20. tdragon

    tank for sale

    i may also b interested after mouse03245 please e mail me at