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  1. tdragon


    what size fuge should i have on a 360gal? i was thinking 55 gal sump and 30gal fuge do u thinks this will b enough this will b fowlr
  2. tdragon

    do u think this will work?

    ok thanks
  3. tdragon

    do u think this will work?

    how do u think i sould start the sphion
  4. tdragon

    do u think this will work?

    hey just wondering if ne 1 ever thaught of doing this and if it would even work it would drain in to the sump. instead of using an overflow box
  5. tdragon

    Explain where your user name originated

    mine came from highschool football they used to cal me the dragon(tdragon) cause of my agressiveness and its stuck most ppl call me dragon
  6. tdragon

    r these good?

    ok thanks
  7. tdragon

    r these good?

    i was wondering if ne i knows if this would power vho bulbs it says For Two 112W 96 so would that be together or each??? heres the link sorry if this is not allowed
  8. tdragon

    workhorse 7

    ive decided to go with 6- 4'vho bulbs for my tank the question i have is will i need 3 wh7 to run them? if so does ne one know of ne other ballats that will run these and are as cheap? ne help would b appreciated thanks
  9. tdragon

    becket or venturi

    wich is the better to go with?opions? itll b on a 360gal fowlr. what r he advantges with bot and disadvantages:confused:
  10. tdragon


    how many vhos can u put on a work horse 7?
  11. tdragon


    ok thanks guys
  12. tdragon


    ok the dimentions r 8'l 3't 2'w and heres what i was thinking to go with 2-ice cap 660 ballast 6 vho bulbs thnk this will b two much?
  13. tdragon


    ok the dimentions r 8'l 3't 2'w and heres what i was thinking to go with 2-ice cap 660 ballast 6 vho bulbs thnk this will b two much?
  14. tdragon


    i need help choosing lighting for my 360 itll b fowlr maybe sone easy corals. i need sugg for lighting i dont want mh i was thinkng og vho but what shoud i go with ne help please:confused: :confused: :confused:
  15. tdragon


    what do u mean match it to the size of ur tank???
  16. tdragon

    closed loop

    the supply will b 1" and returns 3/4"
  17. tdragon


    im building a 360gal tank and it will b fowlr maybe some easy corals but my question is for lighting i was going to go to homedepot and get 4 of there 4' two bulb shop lights will these b ok they will b about a foot off the water?
  18. tdragon

    closed loop

    i will b drilling the back this is a look from the back
  19. tdragon

    closed loop

    how is this for a closed loop on a 360 the green is the return and red the supply lines. ne comments good or bad to help me out thanks
  20. tdragon

    90 gal reef ready setup for sale, Mass.

    email me i have a few questions