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  1. bluetangclan

    porcupine puffer not eating

    My puffer looks very healthy, but within the past few weeks he's slowly eating less and less. Today he wont eat at all. He's also a lot less active. I purchased him from craigslist about 2 years ago so I have no idea how old he is (he was already about 9 inches at time of purchase). Could it...
  2. bluetangclan

    Need Affordable LED Light Recommendations

    what do you guys think about this one
  3. bluetangclan

    Need Affordable LED Light Recommendations

    I have the EVO Quad 48" LED light for about 3 years now. In that time span, both transformers needed to be replaced and 21 out of the 64 led's have died. I really like it because its affordable and pretty bright but obviously not reliable. Can someone provide some led light recommendations?
  4. bluetangclan

    white mark on puffer

    My salinity is right in the middle at 1.0215, temp at 74 degrees. I let my friend borrow my test kit so cant give the current readings. I feed him once a day.
  5. bluetangclan

    white mark on puffer

    Oh I just noticed something....every time I stand in front of the tank he likes to press his mouth against the glass and his mouth turns white that is very similar to the white mark. Perhaps he pressed his face against the glass too hard and caused the injury? If so what can I do to help him?
  6. bluetangclan

    white mark on puffer

    It looks exactly the same today
  7. bluetangclan

    white mark on puffer

    No raised marks or any texture. It looks pretty smooth. It's a 120 gallon tank with 2 other tangs. I feed him frozen shrimp, krill, and brine. Parameters of the tank is good. I've had the 2 tangs for over a year with no issues. The puffer has been in the tank for a couple months.
  8. bluetangclan

    white mark on puffer

    No he doesn't sleep wedged against anything and the color hasn't changed or gone. It looks like a scrape but kinda hard to tell. It's not ick right?
  9. bluetangclan

    white mark on puffer

    I woke up today and saw this white mark on my porcupine puffer's face. What is it?
  10. bluetangclan

    need recommendation for UV sterilizer

    I have an in-wall 120 gallon tank measured 30" high by 18" deep running with a sump and protein skimmer. It's FOWLR. I need recommendations on a good in-tank uv sterilizer that wont take up much room since my overflow is already taking up a lot of space.
  11. bluetangclan

    sailfin tang twitching

    My tank was cycled for about 2 months. I then bought a sailfin tang and a vlamingi tang from one owner who had them for 4 years. Both are healthy (or at least thats what the owner siad). I didnt quarantine them because they are my first fishes in the tank. Its been a week and now I see the...
  12. bluetangclan

    what is this and how do i get rid of them?

    1. water change once a month 20-25% 2. in-sump filtration with skimmer 3. 12 hr on/off light schedule 4. not sure what the powerhead output as i got it free when i bought the used live rocks 5. powerhead on both sides of tank about 2 inches below surface pointing down towards the other side...
  13. bluetangclan

    what is this and how do i get rid of them?

    I thought cyanobacteria is "red slime" which i do have some but these are brown and fuzzy.
  14. bluetangclan

    best place for powerheads?

    I dont have any corals, just fish and live rocks. I tried using an algae scraper but it just swirls around and eventually resettle back. I will siphon them off on my next water change but in the meantime want to reposition the PH for best results. So its ok to move it below and point it up?
  15. bluetangclan

    best place for powerheads?

    I think I may have a detritus problem and would like to move the powerheads so it can blow them into the overflow. My tank is 110 gallons (48w x 30h x 18d). The powerheads are currently sitting at the very top about 2 inches below the surface on both sides pointing directly across to the...
  16. bluetangclan

    what is this and how do i get rid of them?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Bang Guy It resembles Cyanobacter. Does it wipe off in sheets or is it really hard to scrape it off? googling Cyanobacter returns Cyanobacteria, is this what you meant? could it also be detritus?
  17. bluetangclan

    what is this and how do i get rid of them?

    This started growing about a couple of weeks ago and now its everywhere. They are brown and fuzzy-like. Its all over the glass, overflow, and rocks. The pic below is the acrylic overflow.
  18. bluetangclan

    butterfly with trigger?

    Quote: Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33 I dont trust *****'s compatibility chart. Best thing to do is to buy an actual book that has been verified and published. i think i will trust your chart :)
  19. bluetangclan

    butterfly with trigger?

    I ask because according to this chart, they are not compatible http://www.*****.com/assets/livefish/saltwaterchart.html