white mark on puffer

mr llimpid

Does he sleep wedged into something? 3 hours ago, has it changed color or gone away? The irregular shape reminds me of a vain.
No he doesn't sleep wedged against anything and the color hasn't changed or gone. It looks like a scrape but kinda hard to tell. It's not ick right?

mr llimpid

Ick looks like tine salt spots, dosen't like that to me. Is the mark raised at all and have any texture to it? What other fish do you have in the tank? Tanks size? Post all the params of your tank. What do you feed him?
No raised marks or any texture. It looks pretty smooth. It's a 120 gallon tank with 2 other tangs. I feed him frozen shrimp, krill, and brine. Parameters of the tank is good. I've had the 2 tangs for over a year with no issues. The puffer has been in the tank for a couple months.


Staff member
Its not ich. It does look like some kind of scrap, except it has a rather strange shape. Keep a close eye out to see if you notice if it breaks skin or gets red.


Staff member
Aside from this, this fish looks like he's in great shape. It may be Head an Lateral Line Erosion. What are your water readings and what and how often are you feeding your fish?
Oh I just noticed something....every time I stand in front of the tank he likes to press his mouth against the glass and his mouth turns white that is very similar to the white mark. Perhaps he pressed his face against the glass too hard and caused the injury? If so what can I do to help him?


Staff member
Nothing you can do about what a fish does in a fish tank. We need to assess how or if this develops further. He may have been leaning against some rocks at night while asleep that caused an erosion pattern.

What are your water specs and what and how often are you feeding your fish?
My salinity is right in the middle at 1.0215, temp at 74 degrees. I let my friend borrow my test kit so cant give the current readings. I feed him once a day.


Staff member
Get your test kit back so you can check your system. What are you feeding your fish?

mr llimpid

Your temp is low, I would raise your temp. to 78, but slowly. And your salinity is a little low the big blue on the average is 1.025 or 35g/l. Not that any of these changes will help the white spot. But in the long run may.