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  1. mgstl03

    two perculas behavior?

    I have 2 also that I've had for about 3 months. They came as a pair and just started doing the same thing.
  2. mgstl03

    adding fish

    The tank has been running about 7 wks. with 50#'s LR. I already have a cleanup crew and all the water parameters are good. I am running a homemade "Ecosystem Aquarium" filter with a sump and caulpera algea. A=0 NO2=0 NO3=2.5 PH=8.0 SG=1.0235 TEMP=79 Is this enough LR for a Flame angel? Also the...
  3. mgstl03

    adding fish

    I just cycled my tank and am ready to add fish. I was told to add only 1 fish at a time. Is this true or can I add more than 1? The fish I want are Flame Angel, 2 Clowns, Mandarin Goby, Blue Hippo, maybe a wrasse. I have read to put the most agressive last, so what order would be best?
  4. mgstl03


    Do mantis shrimp always make the popping noise I've read about, and will I hear it?
  5. mgstl03


    Never heard any popping noises.
  6. mgstl03


    I have a 55 FOWLR. I had a banded coral shrimp disappear the next day after introduced to my tank(minus some tentacles left behind). I'm also noticing scarlet hermits disappearing slowly and found a couple shells that previously had scarlets in them empty. I have 2 peppermint shrimp that are...
  7. mgstl03

    sump overflow

    Thanks for the info!
  8. mgstl03

    sump overflow

    No there is not! I didn't know to do this. Just a small hole below the water line? What does that do?
  9. mgstl03

    sump overflow

    New to this forum, great info! I have a Rio2500 return pump from my filter. I had a power outage and the water reversed back into my sump(via the return hose) and ran over. My local hardware store couldn't help me. Is there any solution to this? Thank you!