adding fish


New Member
I just cycled my tank and am ready to add fish. I was told to add only 1 fish at a time. Is this true or can I add more than 1? The fish I want are Flame Angel, 2 Clowns, Mandarin Goby, Blue Hippo, maybe a wrasse. I have read to put the most agressive last, so what order would be best?


Active Member
I am new to this,
But you might want to ask this question in the fish discussion forum. They might be able to help you better. I was told to add one fish at a time also. I believe it can change your water perameters. So if something goes wrong in your tank you will only loose one fish instead of all the new fish. That is just MY understanding. Post this in the fish discussion, for sure they will be able to help you more then I can.


First things first
You definately add only one fish at a time. But if you plan to add 2 damsels in a 100g tank I guess it would be ok...
Provide some info of your tank, size, weeks in cycle, water parameters, filtration, etc... What is your experience with swt?
Go out there and buy a book that has fish species, compatibility tank size for each specimen, feeding needs etc. If you do not plan to buy a book do a good search on the web, you will find something.
are you planning to qt the fish?
If you are not experinced, and your tank is small, and you just finished the cycle go with more easy to keep-care fish. In my opinion the Hippo is not one of them.
I am sure that there are several people on the board that will help you out...
There are some things YOU must understand, like why you do not add many fish at a time. Buy the book, do not take our suggestions advice for granted if you do not understand what goes on in the tank.... I use to listen to my lfs guy 10 years ago, and I ended up with a screwed up tank, a bank account empty, many hours of stress, and dead fish.
I hope I did not freak you out...

bang guy


Originally posted by mgstl03
The fish I want are Flame Angel, 2 Clowns, Mandarin Goby, Blue Hippo, maybe a wrasse. I have read to put the most agressive last, so what order would be best?

I would suggest putting in a pair of clowns first.
A couple months later add the Wrasse.
The Hippo will grow too big for a 55 IMO. Perhaps a Kole?
Are you going to have a reef tank? If not then I suggest not adding the Angel nor the Mandarin.


Active Member
i wouldn't go with the mandarin untill your tank is well established with atleast 75-100 lbs of live rock. the mandarin feeds off pods that live in the lr, it's very hard to get them to eat anything else. also i agree a 55 will be too smal for a hippo tang. just remember to take things slow


New Member
The tank has been running about 7 wks. with 50#'s LR. I already have a cleanup crew and all the water parameters are good. I am running a homemade "Ecosystem Aquarium" filter with a sump and caulpera algea.
Is this enough LR for a Flame angel? Also the books I ahve recommend the Hippo for a 55-70 gal?(The New Marine Aquarium)
Also, I've read alot of the posts about water changes, but should I do one now even though the water tests good? I haven't done a water change since it cycled.