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  1. eagle107

    moving a fish tank

    well the movie came it took me about an hour to movie it all to the new shop. i ended up using 2 5g buckets. it all went fine did not loss a thing. but now i am thinkin of gitting a bigger tank for the shop it is on top a cube stand at the end of the conter so i think a cube tank would look...
  2. eagle107

    moving a tank

    i have a 10g tank, that i am going to have to move in 2 weeks i have 3 fish (1 perc, 1 yellow damsel, watchman goby), 2 shrimp (1 pistle, 1 peppermint), some coral, snails, and hermits i was going to bag every thing then move it, then just set it all back up when i get to the new shop i am...
  3. eagle107

    moving a fish tank

    i have a 10g tank, that i am going to have to move in 2 weeks i have 3 fish (1 perc, 1 yellow damsel, watchman goby), 2 shrimp (1 pistle, 1 peppermint), some coral, snails, and hermits i was going to bag every thing then move it, then just set it all back up when i get to the new shop i am...
  4. eagle107

    anemone has my clown for dinner

    pour fishy
  5. eagle107

    saltwater pond

    submersible lighting? i like the sound of that i would get rid of the glare
  6. eagle107

    Anemone Crab?

    bump do not know why i have had no reply?
  7. eagle107

    Anemone Crab?

    i am thinking of getting one my LFS said it was a Porcelain Crab but it looks just like the anemone crab on this sight so will this do good in my 11g? i have in it right now 2 blue legs 1 cleaner shrimp 1 maroon clown (she is going in my 90 in the...
  8. eagle107

    ID this coral

    i think we all can say we need a better pic :confused:
  9. eagle107

    saltwater pond

    sorry i have been away i am thinking about some 2x4s and some wood panels that idea about the durt for suport does sound nice and that place in Michigan (Tropicorium) that is where i got this idea. i went by the place on my way home i would have stoped but i was trying to get to Cleveland...
  10. eagle107

    aquarium backrounds

    i used a finding nemo poster for my back, on my 11g. on my 90 i have nothing i thought of putting something on it but now that the tank is set up agenst the wall (i can not get behind it) i am just letting the wood wall behind it show through i do like black it does show off the colors in...
  11. eagle107

    bought my first coral and.........

    give it time, in a week it should be back out. i want to say (or at least BME) normal. also it may be your lighting?
  12. eagle107

    i need some info on....

    well as i said i need some info no a Porcelain Crab. my LFS got one in and i thought he may be a nice addtion to my 11g this tank is empty for the most part 1 cleaner shrimp 2 blue legs and a gold strip maroon (that will be going in my 90g) i did not get a price on him but i know he was cheep...
  13. eagle107

    saltwater pond

    i was thinking of making a saltwater pond in my house. i need to know what kind of filters will i need, lighting (if any) i am going to use a pond from Lows (200g). is this all a good idea or am i wasting my time