Search results

  1. seschaefer

    55 gallon FOWLR "diary"

    when did you get your tank.. It sounds like you are failry new to the hobby. Before spending a lot of extra money in the hoby, i would recommend doing some research. You will be able to find everything you need on this website. I would recommend that if your tank has not already cycled, you...
  2. seschaefer

    A ~19,000 Gallon Fish Tank

    WOW.. subscribed
  3. seschaefer

    700+ gallon Ray Pool

    Tank is looking great. I can't wait to see it with the rays in it!
  4. seschaefer

    Halide to LED swap

    I have been looking into this myself for a tank i want to start in the future. I have pm'd you with a link to take a look at. THere is a lot of good information there.
  5. seschaefer

    700+ gallon Ray Pool

    True, but what is the point of this hobby if we can't dream of impossible things.
  6. seschaefer

    700+ gallon Ray Pool

    THis is beautiful. I am trying to convince my wife we need to put something like this in our living room as the center piece. She is not anywhere near as excited about this idea as I am. I will have to wait until she sees the light.
  7. seschaefer

    Newbie - 90 Gallon - Corner - Diary

    Did you get the water and live sand from an established tank? If not you might be moving too quick. I would hold off on adding anything more for about a month. If all is well after a month then add another fish, give it a couple of weeks and then another one. I know it is terrible, but...
  8. seschaefer

    LED Lighting

    Thanks for all the info, i think i have done the right research to get this done, now all that is left is trying to explain to the wife why doing this tank is a good idea. THis will undoubtedly be the hardest part of this entire project. Keeping my fingers crossed that she will let me get this...
  9. seschaefer

    LED Lighting

    Thanks for the link, it was exactly what i needed. From the research i have done this light is comparable to MH, if this is true then there is an endless possibility to what i can keep in my tank light wise. DOes this sound true to you?
  10. seschaefer

    LED Lighting

    I am in the process of planning out a 3 Gal pico tank. I was looking for a way to set-up a LED light system hoping to reduce the heat from lighting. I know there are threads started on this, and I am looking for them. While doing that I was wondering if anyone out there can give me some quick...
  11. seschaefer

    Help. Dorm Room Qustions

    I had the same problem when I was in school. I went to my LFS and they offered to take care of it... for a small fee of course. If you really want to get one started in the dorm room, i would recommend trying the stores in your area.
  12. seschaefer

    Can I break up a large lr?

    Both work great, if you are looking for a more calculated break point use a screwdriver or chisel with a hammer
  13. seschaefer

    My 90 gal build + stand build

    Looks very nice
  14. seschaefer

    I need a good tool to work a the bottom of the tank.

    I personally use my hands, but you can get some tongs made of plastic or some similar material
  15. seschaefer

    Fishkid's 135gal reef build...

    Just read throught the entire thread. You have an awesome set up. Sorry to hear about your loses. Hope you are able to get everything figured out.
  16. seschaefer

    Is it worth it?

    Looks to me like you done good. Excellent choice going with the 75 gal to start. I started with a 20 gal and within 6 months was up to a 120. Wish I had just gone bigger in the first place.
  17. seschaefer

    New 28 Hex Reef Tank Help

    With the ammonia being 0, it is more than likely that they cycle has not started yet. You will have a pretty significant spike before it levels out and makes it safe for living creatures. Unless you are using water, rock and sand from an already established tank. You should also be checking...
  18. seschaefer

    New 28 Hex Reef Tank Help

    and failry difficult to catch
  19. seschaefer

    So I'm Thinking about getting a Pico For My First Salt Water Aquarium...

    I would have to agree. I started with a small tank (20 Gal). It got me so frustrated with all the up keep. With a larger tank, as you have undoubtedly read on here, you have a little more room for error. But, if you do decide to work with the smaller tank make sure you come here first with...
  20. seschaefer

    LFS going out of biz. - 10 new corals! - 125 reef!

    Tank looks amazing. I had a LFS go out too, but it wasn't quite as forseen as yours. One day they were there, about a week later they weren't. I still am not really sure what happened, but everything is gone and i never even caught word of them leaving. Congrats on the good deals, but at...