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  1. jimpster

    Dead fish now what?

    gee thanks for the help -- great forum...
  2. jimpster

    Dead fish now what?

    I've noticed my mushroom corals being flimsy and star polyps not opening... Could they be sick as well? Curious question - If brook is spread through direct contact, why do I have to wait for 1 month to add fish?
  3. jimpster

    Dead fish now what?

    no help?
  4. jimpster

    Dead fish now what?

    Does brooklynella effect psycho mandarins? All the other fish died so fast, but this guy looks perfectly fine... Anyone??
  5. jimpster

    Dead fish now what?

    Thanks for the reply. My tank is 30 gal and has been set up for about 3.5 months. I added the tang along with other inverts on Wed. The bengai died on thursday, and the tang and clown died today (friday). I say 0.25 for ammonia because that is what my test kit color is closest to -- ever...
  6. jimpster

    Dead fish now what?

    I just had 3 fish die on me in the last two days -- first a bengaii cardinal, then my aquacultured clown, and then my new yellow tang. All had rotting fins. The tang had popeye, and the clown showed symptoms of brook. I have one fish left - psycho mandarin - which looks and behaves fine. Do...
  7. jimpster

    two questions about bangaii cardinals

    I bought a bengaii and dripp acclimated it for 2 hours. After I put it in the tank, it looked normal for almost 24 hrs. In less than one day it was breathing at the surface, and then floating around almost lifeless with the current of the tank. Anyone have any clues to what happened? I have...