two questions about bangaii cardinals


Active Member
I ordered two bangaii cardinals from SWF, only one made it through the shipping. Will I have a problem adding the replacement cardinal in about a week? Also, how do you tell a male and female apart? I'd like to ask for the opposite of whatever I have in the tank now. Thanks guys


I heard the difference is the length in the fins. I don't know which has the longer one, I can't remember.


Active Member
my experience with bengaii cardinals is that keping more than one is tricky, unless you can be positve that there is only one male.
as for sexing them, it is not easy at al, I have tried teh mentioned identification tactics, without any luck at alll. So I cannot help much there.

bang guy

I agree with everything said by jwtrojan44 and fshhub.
The only way I've been able to --- them if by placing one with a known male. If the male goes after then it's another male.


Active Member
Thanks guys, hopefully I'll be able to use the info later....the second cardinal died today, nothing left but a few bones. This is one case where I wish my clean-up crew wasn't so efficient, since BOTH of those cardinals were still under the 6 day guarantee and those few bones are all that remains. The fish was alive when I left a few hours ago, and since then it has died and been completely consumed. Well they just became a 40$ clean-up crew snack.


New Member
I bought a bengaii and dripp acclimated it for 2 hours. After I put it in the tank, it looked normal for almost 24 hrs. In less than one day it was breathing at the surface, and then floating around almost lifeless with the current of the tank.
Anyone have any clues to what happened?
I have only a clown, goby, and some crabs and snails in there. A scallop too.


Active Member
Well, as should be obvious, I'm still no expert on Bangaiis. They seem to be hit or miss at acclimation into a tank. Once acclimated they seem to be very hardy. I got the guts to try a bangaii again about a month ago. Instead of ordering it online, I got it at the LFS, so the stress from transport was significantly reduced. It is still doing very well. It even made it through my recenty catastrophe where I lost my 4-line wrasse, lawnmower blenny, flame angel, and 2 scarlet cleaner shrimp. Given the animals that died, I am suprised I did'nt lose the bangaii as well, which confirms the theory that they are hardy once acclimated into a system.
Sorry for your loss of fish, hope it was covered under a guarantee. And welcome to saltwaterfish. Looks like you have probably been lurking for a while but didn't post till now.