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  1. khaotic2

    JBJ Nanos vs. Others

    So the ballast, and electrical in general on my 12g JBJ Nano died recently. For what it will cost to replace it, I was thinking of getting a whole new system. Has anyone else had this problem? The system is 2 years old. I don't really want a larger system, I have been very happy with the size I...
  2. khaotic2

    Nano Evaporation

    Thank you. Per usual, you are the Guru
  3. khaotic2

    Nano Evaporation

    I have a 12g Dx JBJ with a surface skimmer. I know evaporation is a big issue with these tanks, but it seems if I leave the skimmer off, it isn't as bad, but scummy. Why do the levels fluctuate so much with the skimmer? Does anyone have any ideas on how to remain more consistent with the levels...
  4. khaotic2

    everything is turning green

    What kind of water are you using? Have you checked your phosphate levels and does the tank get direct sunlight?
  5. khaotic2


    I had one on my 55g. All the add info sounds really convincing and with the guarantee they give, I thought why not? It seems like a really great concept, but I didn't notice any difference. If I had to do it over again, I would have bought a sterilizer instead. Hope that helps.
  6. khaotic2

    Mushroom question

    Sorry, yes, Nanocube Deluxe lights. I have been in this hobby long enough to know standard fluros are not the way to go. I agree with chipmaker that they are just disturbed. Every other factor in the cube checks out. Today is another day, and we'll see what it brings in my little Nano world...
  7. khaotic2

    Mushroom question

    Standard lights that come with the deluxe, 76 degrees and salinity is 1.023
  8. khaotic2

    Mushroom question

    Everything is checking out o.k. Like I said, they have been like that since I put them in. On an additional note, I have 2 different sets of button polyps. One is doing great, open all the time, the other is closed up tight as a drum. My small leather coral is doing just fine as well. I'm at a...
  9. khaotic2

    Mushroom question

    I moved some of my mushroom coral to my nano on Sunday. All parameters are the same. Used the same water and sand to set up the nano. My mushrooms have yet to open. 2 of them are on the sand, the middle is open and there are squiggly things coming out. It looks like the inards and they are a...
  10. khaotic2

    JBJ = Death trap???

    Just out of curiosity. Why do the Nano's seem to crack so easily?
  11. khaotic2

    JBJ = Death trap???

    Thanks for the warning! I would never have though to look in the back if I were missing a fish. I didn't think they could get into the back. Sorry for your loss. :(
  12. khaotic2

    Coral Host

    I concur. I just thought perhaps some people have had more luck with a certain coral over others. For instance, my previous Maroon was crazy over one of my shrooms. He would snuggle in enough to hide and then when someone passed by, he would shoot out. Hence the reason I never got a pic of him...
  13. khaotic2

    Coral Host

    Just out of curiosity......... I have a Nano with 2 percs. In your best opinions, what type of coral do they enjoy hosting in most often? :thinking:
  14. khaotic2

    My 12 gallon Nanocube dx

    Hey Littleliza, is that an anemone towards the top? If so, what kind? Are you running the standard deluxe lights that is comes with? Your tank looks terrific!
  15. khaotic2

    Question about 12g nanocube

    Thanks Bob, your'e the best!
  16. khaotic2

    Question about 12g nanocube

    One more thing. I don't know if I am being idiotic or not, but I have my Maxi-Jet 900. How do I turn it into a pump? I'm sorry but the instructions leave something to be desired. Is there a reason the heater should go in the middle compartment? Does it have better heat dissipation there, or is...
  17. khaotic2

    Question about 12g nanocube

    Thanks Bob. Will do. Everything seems to be going well thus far. The gentleman who is purchasing my 55 will be here tomorrow. 3 years of my tank life will be gone, but I have this little beauty to nurture and enjoy.
  18. khaotic2

    Question about 12g nanocube

    Just out of curiosity, why remove the media? I understand adding the rubble. And I don't think the top comes off fully. It looks as though the hinges are completely surrounded. It is really difficult to get your hands into the spaces. I'm having a really difficult time removing the current pump.
  19. khaotic2

    Question about 12g nanocube

    Thank you so much for the information. You have been a great help and I really appreciate it. I may be referring back from time to time, and of course will keep you updated. :joy:
  20. khaotic2

    Question about 12g nanocube

    Hello. This seems to be a good group to ask questions about the 12g Nano. I am downgrading from a 55g to a 12g JBJ Deluxe Nano. How does everyone feel about the JBJ Deluxe? What heater and size works the best? Does any additional equipment need to be added inside or outside the tank? As far as...