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  1. cskyhawk

    Problem with Hair alage-Need help

    Lawnmower blenny - I haven't hurd that one... Tom I am in favor of that one bigtime... What do you guys think about Emerald Crabs... I noticed thye are on sale this week... will they give the hair a buzz cut... Also what about the air supply...? And how often (durration) should power lights be used?
  2. cskyhawk

    diving for fish? what checmical is used to slow them down...?

    Thanks for all the help I will let you all know what happends... hopefully I wont screw up... lol the regs are pritty tight and I admit some of the fish on the list I have no ide what thay are... lol but I think you could get a PHD if you could figure out even half the the differnet names... As...
  3. cskyhawk

    diving for fish? what checmical is used to slow them down...?

    This trap... where would these be avalibe.. any ideas I am clue less
  4. cskyhawk

    diving for fish? what checmical is used to slow them down...?

    All I can say is wow... never got more than one response a month from a question... although I do intend on bringing back a fish for my tank I don't intend are hurting our wonder full eco system we live in... Alto we all do in a way by just having our tanks... One person asked "do you have a...
  5. cskyhawk

    diving for fish? what checmical is used to slow them down...?

    :notsure: does anyone know what chemical to use or it what ratio... has anyone done this... I am going diving in the keys next week and have found that it is limited but legal to get some fish while I am there and I have a really big empty medicine tank so I want to try... it would be cool to...
  6. cskyhawk

    I mixed CC & LS

    I want to provide a place for organisms to hide from star fish... what do u all think? If I just make little areas of CC and areas of LS. this would provided a feeding ground and not tottaly destroy my base.
  7. cskyhawk

    Changing From CC To Sand

    what about having half the tank CC and the other half sand...? I have a star fish and I understand this will be derimental to live sand... So If I had half and half would this help.
  8. cskyhawk

    911 I need help...

    thanks for ur help problem solved.... but lost the clown. did save the rest of the tank thou...
  9. cskyhawk

    911 I need help...

    what do i do to prevent the ocean water and my water from just mixing...?
  10. cskyhawk

    911 I need help...

    That sounds better than my idea... the only one I had was to go to like the ocean and drop something like an egg in and see how far it droped from a measured distance...
  11. cskyhawk

    911 I need help...

    I live in Ft. Myers and had a problem during the storm… and I lost a bunch of water to get my filtration started again I had to add water… I recently moved and purchased premixed water after the move. I have see salt and have used the 2.5 cups per 5 gallons as a rough estimate… but I think my...
  12. cskyhawk

    Hair Alge...

    I have large amounts of hair alge is calcium the best way to get rid of it? In this tank I really don't have anything except a large amount of really good live sand and live rock. I haven't added anything till I get this hair alge under controle.