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  1. moorea2

    Tank emergency NEED HELP!

    OK so the temp probe on my ReefKeeper 2 has some how got out of whack. The temp was reading 85 degrees (I usually keep the tank at 79) so the chiller stayed on all night. It didn't feel like 85 degrees so I checked the temp and it was actually at 61.... I am now in the process of heating the...
  2. moorea2

    BANG GUY-Need your help

    I rubber banded filter socks over the pipes that fed into my fuge and my skimmer, it helped a little but they kept blowing off! Have you tried building those stockmand standpipes in the overflow???
  3. moorea2

    BANG GUY-Need your help

    Teresa, are you having any luck??? I am so with you on hating the plumbing! Everything I've added since the tank went up has been a "drop in" because I dont want to plumb anymore. I am getting ready to add a UV sterilizer (not a drop in) and I am terrified it will just add more bubbles...
  4. moorea2

    BANG GUY-Need your help

    I have tried it all!! Some of the things we have tried have helped a little but nothing has solved the problem. The system has been up and running for 8 mo's now! Squidd assisted me in design of my sump fuge and closed loop from start to finish Gotta love squidd!!!! I tried putting the holes...
  5. moorea2

    Difficult fish that you've had luck keeping?

    That is my baby. His name is Buddy. He is the only creature I love more then my fish!!! That pic was taken when he was about 9 weeks old. He is a year old now and ABSOLUTELY beautiful. He is an Eurasian. It is a pretty rare breed in the United States. There are only 12 breeders in north...
  6. moorea2

    Help installing Aqua 25w UV

    So if I understand correctly worst case senerio if the pump fails is I'll have to replace the bulb, not the entire unit... or burn down the house or fry the fish???? If it is only risking the bulb then it sounds worth the risk. I will look at your pics. You are always a wealth of information...
  7. moorea2

    creatures from LR

    The good: I got about 500 feather dusters (maybe more) and a few other things on the rock I can not identify The bad: I also have an unknown mean and nasty preditor!!! I figured this out today (8 mo's later) OK I'm a little slow... I'm getting ready not to try and trap him. Wish me luck.
  8. moorea2

    Difficult fish that you've had luck keeping?

    When my daughter was 5 we got her a Beta (fighting fish) She kept it until just this year. 3 years!!! I dont know if they are hard to keep, the amazing part is she took care of all aspects of this fish by herself since the day she got it!!! Not bad for a 5 year old to start 8 year old to finish!
  9. moorea2

    Help installing Aqua 25w UV

    yup, that is the brand! That is good news because there was NO WAY it was going to fit down there if I had to install it as suggested. I cant not even figure out how one would mount it as suggested. I got the Mag 5 (500 gph) with it. Is this good? How do you like yours? I've heard a bunch of...
  10. moorea2

    BANG GUY-Need your help

    Hey, I dont want to hijack here but I was just about to post the same question. Hopefully my setup is close to TeresaQ's and my diagram could help both of us! Mine has been setup for about 8 mo's now and I've been fighting bubbles since day one. If I keep up on my top off's and fill the...
  11. moorea2

    possible protien skimmer problem???

    I cycled my tank with live rock and live sand as well. For about the first month my skimmer was going off. We had a small bucket we were using to collect the dirty water from the skimmer. We had to empty it OFTEN! After a while the skimmer calmed down to the point where I was able to take...
  12. moorea2

    Help installing Aqua 25w UV

    Hi All! Just got my Aqua 25w UV sterilizer. My problem is I have read the instruction manual very carefully and available space will make it very diffucult to install it by the book. The instructions say that it should be installed so that water goes down into it and up out of it. I do not have...
  13. moorea2

    not getting along

    OK... I never bump my posts, I usually wait patiently for an answer. But then again I've never had a post fall to the second page without an answer! Anyone???
  14. moorea2

    What got you into fish?

    8 years ago we moved from south florida to montana. My husband and I dive and we both missed the ocean. Fast foward 2 years and I am 7 months pregnant, EXTREMELY BIG and on bed rest. My husband had many ideas for christmas presents that year but all of them were very depressing. He though...
  15. moorea2

    not getting along

  16. moorea2

    not getting along

    I have wanted 4 clown fairy wrasse in my tank for some time now but haven't had the best of luck, the first shipment 2 arrived dead, so I re-ordered 2 and put them in and 1 died the next day. For a while the three were doing great in the tank so yesterday I added a 4th. As soon as I added the...
  17. moorea2

    Pods or not?

    No I never mentioned pulling out a filter or anything like that... but here is an interesting thing that it never even occured to me to mention (maybe it should have.) Exactly to weeks ago today my Angel fish died. My husband was trying to get him out of the tank and he had to pull the rock...
  18. moorea2

    Pods or not?

    some of them do not seem to be moving while others are treking along at a fairly good pace. The husband says "they are scurrying around prety quick and can probably cover an inch in two seconds" They do not look anything like feather dusters (to me anyway) they look like little moving specs...
  19. moorea2

    Pods or not?

    so how can one ID the unidentifiable? If it is something bad I want to do something about it. It's not ick is it?
  20. moorea2

    Fish list for 120

    So any suggestions or comments????