I have tried it all!! Some of the things we have tried have helped a little but nothing has solved the problem.
The system has been up and running for 8 mo's now! Squidd assisted me in design of my sump fuge and closed loop from start to finish
Gotta love squidd!!!!
I tried putting the holes just above the the water line but water was actually spraying out of the holes. It wasn't like a water fall coming out, but if I had left it like that for any amount of time there would have been a puddle on the floor eventually.
We placed valves on the end of the pipes going into both skimmer and fuge chamber and we have increased/decreased the flow in every possible combination to these two chambers.
We pulled out the pipes in the overflow and replaced them with a home made stockman standpipe. This was the biggest help but still bubbles! Now the problem is everynow again the hole system goes out of whack and bubbles shoot everywhere until it is readjusted. And I do not know what throws it out of whack!
I used to have it setup so that the pipes were not going down so deep into the sump but we did a bunch of playing around with it and found that the bubbles are a little less with the pipe low in the tank.
Also the second baffle on the fuge should not be nessasary b/c of the reduced flow to the fuge. The other issue is that there is a dead spot between these to that will catch yuck.
I actually have been using this "dead spot" I have a little carbon bag in there and a filter sock. It has been 8 mo's and there is nothing collecting in there, at least nothing that can be seen by the
The other thing that I know first hand is that you can out run your sump. Meaning if there is to much flow and the sump is to small no amount of baffles will keep the bubbles from the return. I have to throddle down my return b/c of this. Sump is just to small for the flow.......
Is mine to small it is a 75 gallon sump/fuge for a 120 gallon display????
Some possible solutions I have picked up from this thread:
1. If I added the second baffle, I am assuming it would be on the skimmer side of the existing baffle, not the pump side. Two problems here, I do not know if there is room (does it have to be 2" away from the existing baffle) Second problem is there any way to ad a baffle without draining it???? I'm sure theres not, but it ant hurt to ask.
2. Adjusting the return pump. How I do this and how much of an adjustment do I need?