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  1. bigreddog


    Originally posted by luvnluk Did you cycle your tank? I think you may have started too much, too soon. i actually used water from a tank that was already cycled... and i've tested the water on a weekly basis and everything is exactly where it is suppose to be... its just overnight the PH...
  2. bigreddog


    I have a 18 gal 2 month old tank with some GSP, Polyps, anenomes, featherduster, 25lbs LR, 20 lbs LS, pepper/fire shrimps, and clowns... yesterday i added some calcium supplements (calcium plus.. reef plus)... and everything seemed okay... then at night i noticed my clowns started to get ick...
  3. bigreddog

    Cleaner Shrimp Dead....

    Originally posted by YAE4Volcom I got home from a friends this morning to find my cleaner shrimp dead laying on the sand. I immiditaly checked the water and the nitrites were at .4 I did a 2 gallon water change and there hopefully lowered. My fish, hermit crab, sexy shrimp, and snails seem...
  4. bigreddog

    can shrimp get ich?

    i had a clown fish that got ich and removed it and treated it, but i'm wondering if my peppermint shrimp and cleaner shrimp are capable of getting it also or is it only fish? thanks cliff
  5. bigreddog

    purple slug?

    sorry for the unclearness of it...
  6. bigreddog

    purple slug?

    i found a little purple slug with 2 antennas on the front on my tank, its really smal... about 1/2 inch long... anyone know what this is??? Thanks...
  7. bigreddog

    stuff on the glass?

    Originally posted by 007 sounds like hydroids . . . try doing a search for them. thanks for the input... they are in fact hydroid jellyfish... so do you think it is a good idea to scrape them off with my algae magnet?
  8. bigreddog

    stuff on the glass?

    i noticed that i have pods all over the glass of my tank, and i just noticed recently these other new creatures that look like little spider like things on the glass. there is a TON of them, and i'm a little worried. Does anyone know what these are? i'd try to post a pic but they are really...
  9. bigreddog

    Lighting question?

    I have a 20 gallong tank that i'm planning on doing some reef life set up with... i currently have an anenome, feather duster, and mandarin goby with about 20 lbs of LR... what kind of lighting would you suggest? i currently have a corallife 28W PC... but i was thinking of bumping up to a 65W...
  10. bigreddog

    Skimmer for a 10 gal.

    Originally posted by peacetypes water changes are enough if you have to have one get a bakpak or another type of hob why would you suggest to stay away from them?