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  1. xtant

    Worm Id???

    Yes It looks just like that NM Reef only smaller. So are these worms good or bad? And sorry for no pic only saw it for les than a minute with the lights off.
  2. xtant

    Worm Id???

    Sorry for no picture I just noticed this worm that was black and white striped. I could only see about an half to one inch of it Very small maybe only a milimeter in diameter. The lights were off, and when I turned them on. The worm seemed to suck into its self and disapered(spell). The worm...
  3. xtant

    Anemone!!! an-enemy hehe

    Originally posted by Neowind Well just a word of warning my condi ate my false perc don't mean to scare ya though Sorry to say my condi ate mine also. All I saw was the tail sticking out. What I have heard is that clowns may swim through the tenicles of condis but they won't technically...
  4. xtant

    Any Pics of 40 stretch hex?

  5. xtant

    two crabs..

    wow you got crabs. Good pics I really like the arrow crab
  6. xtant

    Dumb Question: OK to drink RO/DI water?

    Thanks again Bang Guy
  7. xtant

    Can I add sand

    I will use most of the water to transport my fish and LR in 20 gal rubbermaids. Bang: I loved reading about your lagoon. Especially the way you used the rubermaids for an alternating current.
  8. xtant

    Dumb Question: OK to drink RO/DI water?

    What exactly is the DI in RO/DI. I know RO is the use of semipermiable membrane water is passed through to collect the "bad stuff" basicly right? Thanks to anyone who knows.
  9. xtant

    Can I add sand

    Thanks for the help. I Just didn't want to risk killing everything.
  10. xtant

    Any Pics of 40 stretch hex?

    Just curious its an odd tank, and I would like to see some setups if anyone has one. Thank you.
  11. xtant

    updated 6pack

    Its really black.
  12. xtant

    Can I add sand

    I would like to add more live sand to my tank. I will be moving it in a couple months and wondered if this would be a good time? The tank will be broken down and most of the original will be used when I set the tank back up. If I add a bag of Live sand when I am setting everything back up and...
  13. xtant

    Got bored

    Thanks, I didn't know that about anemones. Is there anyway to try to get the zoo back??
  14. xtant

    Got bored

    I use Coral life pc 36" 96wattx2. Gets a little indirect sun from the windows being open. Don't kow if that helps? Mine acted the same way for the first month. Its opened up a lot more once the clown took to it.
  15. xtant

    Got bored

    Originally posted by New_Noob what is that black "thing" in picture two? Its a feather duster.
  16. xtant

    Got bored

  17. xtant

    Got bored

  18. xtant

    Got bored

  19. xtant

    Got bored

  20. xtant

    Got bored
