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  1. grently348

    help with filter please.

    i would also go with a back pack. i have one on my 75. it works great. i replaced the bio balls with cell pore to give me more surface area for bacteria. go with a back pack if you can.
  2. grently348

    help!!!! anyone

    thank you all for your help. i went to bed with my tank a mess ,and this morning it was a lot clearer and seems to be clearing up even more. i did a 25% water change and that helped too. i am going to turn my skimmer back on and hope for the best. thank you all again.
  3. grently348

    help!!!! anyone

    is it possible that because i added calcium today then turned on my skimmer that it caused my cloudiness?
  4. grently348

    help!!!! anyone

    my ph is 8.4 and my calcium is 330 typo. its over 530. it didnt change a color and the test kit said that it was too high. does iodide have anything to do with it? should i turn my skimmer back on? how about my u.v.
  5. grently348

    help!!!! anyone

    ok i did my tests. ammonia is at 0, nitirites at 0 nitrates at 0, alk at 3.5 meq/l, salinity has dropped a little 1.021 i usually keep it at 1.023. calcium is at 330 mg/l. all these readings aside from the salinity are all in the parameters of good water, correct?
  6. grently348

    help!!!! anyone

    ok i am testing for all that right now give me five minutes
  7. grently348

    help!!!! anyone

    one more thing, i turned my u.v and protein skimmer off. should i leave it off or keep it running?
  8. grently348

    help!!!! anyone

    thanks all. and birdy, what you said about the calcium maight be the problem as i just added some this morining. will this harm my fish and inverts. From what little i can see, my polyps have turned brown. did it kill them? how can i fix this problem i have?
  9. grently348

    help!!!! anyone

    thanks i sure hope not though.
  10. grently348

    help!!!! anyone

    help! i just turned my protein skimmer and u.v. sterilizer a few hours ago and left. when i came home my tank was really cloudy. almost milky. what could be causing this, and how do i fix it? will it harm my fish and invertebrates?
  11. grently348

    What salt mix do you use?

    i use reef crystals for mine. the salt doesnt have as many phosphates and silicates in it. phos. and silicates help produce the unwanted algae in your aquarium. so in my opinion i would use reef crystals.
  12. grently348

    75 gallon reef tank

    i just set up my 75 a few months ago. I have about 125 lbs. of live rock, and aragonite substrate. i added a clean up crew to keep algae down. I also have a few star polyps and some other corals. I want to add some fish with nice color and size. Please give me any and all suggestions. thanks
  13. grently348

    lighting for my 75 gallon reef tank

    thanks for your help
  14. grently348

    lighting for my 75 gallon reef tank

    what do you think of a 400 watt pfo,hqi ballast with a pfo pendant with 2 p/c atinic bulbs. what ever all that means
  15. grently348

    lighting for my 75 gallon reef tank

    i am currently upgrading my lighting for my 75 that was a fo, but now it will be a reef tank. please send your ideas on good lighting for some soft corals, polyps etc... no clams
  16. grently348

    buffering ?

    buffering is for your alkalinity, that is your waters ability to resist swings in ph it is very important and should be done weekly
  17. grently348

    yet again, lights for sale in michigan

    i am interested in the lights. how much do you want? i will pay shipping etc. please e mail me at with prices. thanks
  18. grently348

    Has anyone ever had an octopus?

    octopi are neat, they can escape out of a 1 inch opening and they cannt be kept with any other fish. dont know how wise of a purchase it is but they are cool.
  19. grently348

    New Tank Help

    did you wash your aragonite? it has a lot of debris that can cause your tank to cloud. i made the same mistake a year ago. the best thing to do is to clean the gravel with a siphon. if the murk does settle it will be stirred up again with fish. i had to drain and refill my system.
  20. grently348

    "How old are You?"

    tom 18