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  1. u571


    it says its a [hr] SEA-THRU skimmer [hr]
  2. u571

    First pic ever of 125 reef

    what size tank
  3. u571

    my 75

    cool looking tank
  4. u571


    ya, mine is made of acrylic or plastic and it has a long tube with a couple of hoses hanging out the sides and it has a flat bottom. i think it goes in the sump. any advise?
  5. u571

    stress coat

    do i need to apply stess coat weekly t omy tank?
  6. u571


    HOW AND WHERE DOES THE SKIMMER GO? . what all is neded to get it working? thanks for the help
  7. u571

    waht r pods

    thanks alot u really helped me out . this site and all the people on it are GREAT:jumping: IT HAS REALLY helped me out with the upkeep of my aquarium. thanks again
  8. u571

    waht r pods

    what r pods? and how do i get the little pic next 2 my name?the different logos everyone has and why do i have the name flame angel by my name thanks
  9. u571

    yellow tang /brownish stuff

    on my tellow tang he has this like brownish stuff on some of his fins and on his back any ideas what it might be? also he seems to be bullying all the othe fish in the tank around , he floats next to them with his sharp tip almost like hittting them (1 firefish,5 damels) thanks
  10. u571

    is my LFS full of bull?

    thank you, i still have 1 yellow tang, 1 firefish and 5 damsels in my tank. ALL my levels are right on what else do you think i should do? I did add some kent marine medicine for ich and some copper like i was told . How and when will i remove all that out so my water is clean / THANKS ALOT...
  11. u571

    is my LFS full of bull?

    i just set my tank up DEC. 1 and i had no idea about cycling. i had a guy helping my with some experience. i have a 100 g. tank and we used about 30% of water out of his cycled tank. i filled my tank up and about 5 days later i started adding fish(I KNOW NOW THAT WAS STUPID) but since then i...
  12. u571

    sharks & tank size

    thanks,just wanted some feed back on that ill keep that in mind. and maybe done the road when i get the hang of everything ill upgrade my tank(1-2 years or sooner whatever)
  13. u571

    sharks & tank size

    :thinking: i have a 100 g. tank and was wondering if i could put a shark in there ? Would that be enough room i have some fish and live rock right now, the fish store guy said yes and was trying to sell me a leopard shark. thanks
  14. u571

    stress coat ?

    I just got done talking to my LFS and had asked about the dirty brown stuff in my tank and tap water. He said the dirty brown stuff was from running my lights to often and it will turn green or red after awhile. Is that true? Its just so dirty and hard to keep my tank clean. It is all over my...
  15. u571

    water treatment

    i heard alot of people talk about using ONLY RO or the other type of water, what exactly is the difference, and how do they work. Also i have just been using tap water. I have a 100 g. tank can i start using the other type of water? and why is it beneficial to use it. (any other advise would...
  16. u571


    no sunlight hits the tank at all. The tank has been up in my house for about i month. But i bought it off a guy who had it for over 5 years but for the last 8-10 months nothing has been it the tank it wasn't even turned on. And i did use my water vacuum to clean the side without the balls in...
  17. u571


    do i need to clean all of that crap out of the wet/dry filter? theres ALOT OF BROWNISH STUFF ON both sides of the tank:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
  18. u571

    wet/dry filter

    :help: im still learning all the terms (fo, lfs ect.) and all that stuff, but i need to know i have a 100 g. tank with another i think 20 g. glass tank under the main tank in the drawers. and my water goes through the main tank down to the smaller tank through these blue and white balls and...
  19. u571

    death of fishes

    i forgot to add this the symptoms are they tend to be scratching their selfs on the rocks and they have like these white little dots and loose white skin on them and as far as water im using just tap water that ive added the proper amount of salt to and my salinity is at .21 , then i usually buy...
  20. u571

    death of fishes

    :thinking: ya i definitely probably got WAY 2 fish happy. I had 15 (ouch) fishes in my 100 g. tank. 1 small puffer(the guy said he was flake fed from birth so it would be ok to house him with other fishes maybe not so far so good hes not agressive at all) 1 yellow tang 5 blue damsels 2 domino...