sharks & tank size


New Member
:thinking: i have a 100 g. tank and was wondering if i could put a shark in there ? Would that be enough room i have some fish and live rock right now, the fish store guy said yes and was trying to sell me a leopard shark. thanks


a banded reef shark would probably work out.tht is the only shark that i can think of at the moment that would be you have live rock?if so how much?he will need plenty of room to swim.:D
IMO A 100 gallon tank is to small for a shark of any kind. 150 or bigger would be a better tank. So unless you plan to upgrade I would reconsider a shark.


Active Member
As cool as sharks are, they have very specific requirements... And the biggest requirement is tank size. They need a minimum of 180 gallon tank and that is just for bamboo sharks and epaulettes. Smoothounds and wobbegongs need at least an 8' tank, and leopard sharks and requiem sharks need their own pools.
I don't recommend buying a shark and saying you are going to upgrade because 90% of the time it doesn't happen. Why not just save the money on a smaller tank and buy a larger one to begin with? And don't expect zoos or aquariums to take any sharks... they won't.
I would say the guy at the LFS was just trying to get rid of a shark and not take a loss on it.


like Snakes'n'fish said 100g is to small. I think the min is 180g for a banded. I think coral cats can go into a smaller tank, but not to sure
Fishie88, I believe coral cats reach 18-22" so if your tank has room for them to TURN AROUND , an at least 3 TIMES there lenth to SWIM you should have enough room for them.


New Member
thanks,just wanted some feed back on that ill keep that in mind. and maybe done the road when i get the hang of everything ill upgrade my tank(1-2 years or sooner whatever)