Search results

  1. daj0424

    Expert Dawf Angel Keepers Requested

    Thank you for the posts. I have about 100 lbs of LR and it does like to pick at that or my back wall from time to time, however, it has been eating everything that I offer so it does not seem to pick at the LR as much as when first introduced. It does not look like HLLE and what I mean by my...
  2. daj0424

    Expert Dawf Angel Keepers Requested

    Hi everyone, About 3 months ago I purchased a potters angel and at the time of purchase it has amazing orange coloration around the face area. Since then it has slowly lost the vibrant orange color and alough you can still see orange it is not as appealing as it was before. At first I thought...
  3. daj0424

    Tips for new fish..

    bought a clown 2 years ago, then bought another in 6 months. after about 6 months they fell in love. I guess I got lucky but it was pretty easy this way.
  4. daj0424

    Miracle mud?

    used it to start my fuge. worked great but I agree after two years it was a pain to get it out. just have sand in there now which seems to be working just fine.
  5. daj0424

    I got ICK!! Need advice to treat it.

    UV Sterlizer if used properly. I had a blue hippo that had ick 3 times in 3 years. Everytime I just let it go and it never bothered other fish or the tang. Just make sure you get the proper bulb rating and flow rate. I purchased a Jebo one from a popular site and it works just fine.
  6. daj0424

    Regal Angel

    Tried two of them in my days. One I did not get to eat and it died within a week. Second I did get to eat and it died in a week. I only recomend them in very large estabished systems, and loets of experience. I love the look of the fish too but for the price you may want consider a harliquin...
  7. daj0424

    t5 or t8 LED tubes

    Alright, I am very confused. I am purchasing a 4x54W t5 HO unit for my 90G FOWLR tank set up. I would like to also get the shimmer effect out of some like so I have a couple things I am thinking of doing but I need some help on figuring out what will work best. Can I just buy a t5 tube LED...
  8. daj0424

    LED Lighting on the Bay

    King Neptune, Do you have any pictures posted of your aquarium and led lighting. I would like to see how it lights the tank before I buy. Thank you.
  9. daj0424

    LED Lighting on the Bay

    I also see tubes that are 48 inches with blue and white lighting. They say they give off 50 watts each and I would buy 2 to make it at 100 watts. That is enought for a FOWLR. I am confused about your penatration, are you saying that the light will not be enough to go all the way to the...
  10. daj0424

    LED Lighting on the Bay

    Hi, I am looking onto replacing my 48" odyssea PC lighting system with LEDs and I am not sure what to do. I noticed on the bay that an LED wholesaler is selling 10" x 10" panels for $25 you can choose from white, blue, and red. I use 2 65 watt actinic bulbs and 2 65 watt 12k in my lighting...
  11. daj0424

    Calling All Experts

    Good day to all, I have a 90 gallon FOWLR that has been set up for 10+ years and I have had success with many fish including a moorish idol for 2+ years. I contribute my success to extensive research and careful planning for fish that I decide to add to my tank as anyone should do. I also...
  12. daj0424

    What is going on with my Clown Trigger

    Originally Posted by Beth This fish is being harrassed, or it wouldn't have missing fins. This is not a small thing. Also, nitrates are out of control. How do you have your system set up that is causing such a high nitrate level? I have always had high nitrate levels and Have tried just...
  13. daj0424

    What is going on with my Clown Trigger

    Wow, it has been a while since I posted anything on this forum. Everything has been going great but I have recently run into a problem. My tank has been going for about 7 years. I have a hippo tang, Koran Angel, two clown fish and an unsual damsel in a 90 gallon. 8 days ago I added a clown...
  14. daj0424

    White spots on tank glass

    is there an invert that will clean this off or do I have to do it myself?
  15. daj0424

    White spots on tank glass

  16. daj0424

    Calling all experts(Morish idol)

    It has been a while so I thought I would give you an update. My moorish idol is still alive and eating great. About a month ago I introduced some damsels and of course ick was introduced to my dispay tank. I took the necessary step to make the fish better and today all my fish are great. I...
  17. daj0424

    White spots on tank glass

    Alright, I have been meaning to ask this for a while now. How can I stop the hard white spots from growing on the glass of my tank. It looks like my glass has ick. They look terrible with my black background and they are a pain to get off. What is causing this and is there an invert/fish...
  18. daj0424

    baby powder on a fish?

    Let me be a bit more specific, I have seen ich before and this does not look like it at all. Ich looks like fine grains of white sand all over the bidy including fins. What I am trying to describe is flat on the bidy and looks like white baby powder on body, not on fins. 2mm in diameter...
  19. daj0424

    baby powder on a fish?

    I have had a blue hippo tang in my tank for almost a year now. It has had ich when I first introduced it and has been fine every since. Well, until yesterday. I noticed it has some white spots that look like someone sprikled baby poiwder on top. Not alot. just a very small amount. I looked...
  20. daj0424

    How do you remove copper?

    I used copper a year ago to treat an ich outbreak. I was able to get all traces of copper out of my tank very quickly with a few things. Cuprisorb, Chemi-pure, and poly filters. I also used another kind of filter simular to the poly filter that worked really well. I am not sure the name of...