Search results

  1. daj0424

    Moorish Idol... Getting one.

    I have had my moorish idol for a few months now. I feed it 3-6 tims a day mostly pellets. When I first got it, I heard that New life spectrum pellets were designed with the Moorish Idol in mind. The MI did not eat at first so I tried everything I could think of. It ended up that frozen...
  2. daj0424

    55 gal for sale Milwaukee

    Is this too expensive? make me an offer!
  3. daj0424

    55 gal for sale Milwaukee

    any weekend shoppers?
  4. daj0424

    55 gal for sale Milwaukee

    This is still for sale and let me add is a great deal from what I have seen in the used aquarium market. Very clean and is ready to go. In the picture I have the glass tops in the aquarium, I have thrown them away becuase they were cracked. Dont think that the aquarium is cracked. It is in...
  5. daj0424

    Sand Sifting Starfish Retired????

    Now the question is, what can I get to replace the star fishes duties. I want to make sure that my sandbed is mixed up good every day. I need something that wont be bothered by anything in my tank. Sand bed is only 1" deep. 90g FOWLR. Stock list: Yellow eye tang Blue hippo tang Large dawrf...
  6. daj0424

    Sand Sifting Starfish Retired????

    Just a quick question for those who know about starfish. I have had a sand sifting starfsih for about 9 months now and now he is not doing his job. I used to check on my tank in the morning and see that the star fish had moved all around and left its print all over the sandbed. Now I see it...
  7. daj0424

    Calling all experts(Morish idol)

    Well, I can understand that some people feel that certain fish should remain in the ocean but I bet a few years back some people thought it was unheard of to keep salt water fish in a home aquarium at all. As new technology becomes available the entire saltwater fish hobby changes. I can see...
  8. daj0424

    55 gal for sale Milwaukee

    still for sale if your interested.
  9. daj0424

    Calling all experts(Morish idol)

    Well, this was a big weekend in the advancement of my Moorish idol. After trying many different foods and only getting it to eat clams and mussels from my local grocery store it has finally moved on. It has been eating everything that I put into the tank lately. Pellets and all sorts of...
  10. daj0424

    Vitamins and Suppliments

    Well, I am working on feeding a moorish idol, (not condoning that anyone ever purchase this very difficult fish) and I am looking at providing the best nutrition possible. It is currently feeding on Gramma frozen mussles food soaked in Zoecon but I am wondering if Zoecon is enough nutirents for...
  11. daj0424

    55 gal for sale Milwaukee

  12. daj0424

    My 90 gallon FOWLR

    see my post in the fish discussion forum. Calling all experts (moorish Idol)
  13. daj0424

    My 90 gallon FOWLR

    Thanks for the comments. I know a lot about moorish idols. I have done a lot of research on this particular fish. The reason some people have had success in large systems is due to the fact that they have so much LR for the MI to feed on. I have it feeding on fresh claims and mussels right...
  14. daj0424

    My 90 gallon FOWLR

    Pic of my 90 gallon piece of the ocean. Stock: 50lbs of LR and 20lbs of LS 10 Crabs 10 Nass. Snails 1 Blue Hippo Tang (over 1 year old) 1 Maroon Clown (over 1 year old) 1 Moorish Idol (2 weeks old) 1 Dawrf Lion (over 6 months old)
  15. daj0424

    Show off your Lions...

    Here is my dawrf. He just eat 3 damesels in the tank a few weeks ago. They are not lying when they say loins will eat any fish they can fit in their mouth.
  16. daj0424

    55 gal for sale Milwaukee

    Here are some pics of the tank. It is in great shape and needs a new home. Everyday I see it I want to get it back up an running but I know that my wife will not allow for 2 large aquariums in the house. email me if you are interested. I will let it go for $300.
  17. daj0424

    Calling all experts(Morish idol)

    Finally a couple pic's of the new addition. Update: The only thing that I can get it to eat at this time is claims and mussels that I get from the frozen seafood section at the grocery store. I am working on trying to get it to eat prepared foods in the left over shells but so far it has not...
  18. daj0424

    Putting Faces to the Names

    I thought that it was time that I participate. This is my wife and I in Maui. Great times.
  19. daj0424

    Freshwater Dip

    If you are treating your tank with copper than stay with that and make sure you use the reccomended dose. That shoudl do the trick. My Blue tang had ick as well and after treating with copper it went away. I have done some fresh water dips as well. They seem to be effective but highly...
  20. daj0424

    Calling all experts(Morish idol)

    Let me post this becuase I think it needs to be said. After having this fish for almost a week now I feel that it is better left in the ocean. The effort I have had to put forth just to get it to eat has been too much already. Then to think that I will have to give it my undivided attention...