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  1. jfick1010


    Any ideas? Originally posted by jfick1010 This a.m I got up and the tank was really cloudy and my snail hadn't moved either. So I removed the star and the snail. I didn't know if the star was emitting something or not. By the sounds of it he may not have been dead, but I didn't want to take...
  2. jfick1010


    thanks everyone for your help! I am so grateful to have found this site. I have had him for about 10 months. This a.m I got up and the tank was really cloudy and my snail hadn't moved either. So I removed the star and the snail. I didn't know if the star was emitting something or not. By...
  3. jfick1010


    Hi, I have a chocolate chip star and he hasn't moved in about 3 hours. My question is how can you tell if it is dead? Thanks jenny
  4. jfick1010

    damsel is dying

    Also I have been medicating the tank with ick attack, it says it is organic and shouldn't be harmful to the others.
  5. jfick1010

    damsel is dying

    The damsel died, actually she was still breathing this A.M but I felt I needed to put her out of her misery. The external of the fish looked fine, good color, no spotting or blurring over her eyes and her fins were all entact. There is definate movement on the surface do I don't think it was...
  6. jfick1010

    damsel is dying

    I have a 26 gal tank and a blue damsel in distress. I have had the tank for 9months. Today I came home and she is laying at the bottom of the tank, she is still alive but is having a hard time breathing. she will swim if I try to net her. My clown died 2 weeks ago of ick and the yellow tang died...
  7. jfick1010

    my damsel is dying

    I have a 26 gal tank and a blue damsel in distress. I have had the tank for 9months. Today I came home and she is laying at the bottom of the tank, she is still alive but is having a hard time breathing. she will swim if I try to net her. My clown died 2 weeks ago of ick and the yellow tang died...
  8. jfick1010

    damsel in distress

    I have a 26 gal tank and a blue damsel in distress. I have had the tank for 9months. Today I came home and she is laying at the bottom of the tank, she is still alive but is having a hard time breathing. she will swim if I try to net her. My clown died 2 weeks ago of ick and the yellow tang...
  9. jfick1010

    i have a good general question!!!

    I am not sure if I am putting this in the right spot, but this is my first time on this forum. I have a 26 gal tank and a blue damsel in distress. I came home and she is laying at the bottom of the tank, she is still alive but is having a hard time breathing. she will swim if I try to net her...