damsel is dying


New Member
I have a 26 gal tank and a blue damsel in distress. I have had the tank for 9months. Today I came home and she is laying at the bottom of the tank, she is still alive but is having a hard time breathing. she will swim if I try to net her. My clown died 2 weeks ago of ick and the yellow tang died about 3 weeks ago of an unknown cause (no white spots or scraping). The damsel was doing fine until today. The levels in the tank are reading normal. I just bought a skimmer for the tank last night(seaclone 100), I don't think this stressed her out but I guess it may have. Also she didn't eat much of her flake food this A.M. I also have a chocolate chip star fish, a peppermint shrimp, a snail, 3 aneomes and a hermit crab. They are all doing fine, can anyone help me figure out what is wrong with my fish? Please and thank you!


if all of your readings are okay (ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate) then maybe as weird as it sounds but do you have a good oxygen exchange? What I mean by that is does your filter have enough power to disrupt the surface of the water to put oxygen in it. I know this sounds simple but sometimes that's where you need to start. Then I could always then jump to a parasite in your tank that's getting your kids. Do the fins look like there is a mucas on them or the eyes cloudy. These may not all be parasitc but looking for anything is a start especially since you said one died of Ich.
Best to You


New Member
The damsel died, actually she was still breathing this A.M but I felt I needed to put her out of her misery. The external of the fish looked fine, good color, no spotting or blurring over her eyes and her fins were all entact. There is definate movement on the surface do I don't think it was the oxogen level.
My other levels are <0.3mg Nitrate
< 0 mg Ammonia
8.1 pH
The others seem to be doing fine, no signs of distress. I truned off the skimmer last night and she seemed to do better, but I think it was too late. I don't know if I have it set correctly, I doubt that it is the problem I just didn't see any external problems besides not swimming, unless when netted
thanks jenny


New Member
Also I have been medicating the tank with ick attack, it says it is organic and shouldn't be harmful to the others.