Search results

  1. neilinny

    'tis the season

    I'm looking for the source. I'm looking for a farmer or collector in Florida. I guess I should've been more specific. I haven't been on here in a while, back when I was there was a strong contigent in Florida here.
  2. neilinny

    'tis the season

    Hi, I'm looking for a good source for watergarden plants. Thanks for looking, Neil
  3. neilinny

    HELP i'M NEW

    You found this site, so you're on the right track. Research! I mean "search" (blue button) then re-search. The members here are awesome. Now you're one of us. Ps "How 'bout them Cowboys!?!"
  4. neilinny

    M58 help please

    Thanks for the quick response. He has a couple going, one's in the loft over his shop, it wasn't too noisy. I don't think I'd have it in a living room though. Is there a good bulb I could use mounted vertically? I think I'm going to rewire it to mount the socket horizontal and get an Aqualine...
  5. neilinny

    M58 help please

    I got an HID fixture from a friend. It's a big warehouse fixture. The labeling says it's suitable for damp lacations and use M58 lamp. I think it's going to be a little loud, which doesn't concern me too much as I'm going to use it on a prop system in the cellar. I was hoping to rewire the...
  6. neilinny

    Old Castle...

    ...out of business! That's what the Home Depot told me this afternoon. I'm looking, if anyone has any to sell or knows where I can get some (upstate NY).
  7. neilinny

    65 gallon sps reef profile with many pics

    Congrats on -- TOTM!
  8. neilinny

    red macro

    This is in my sister's 10G. When we got the rock it looked like it might be a cool blue tiny coral. Now it's a huge bush of red macro. It didn't seem to be a problem. Tonight I noticed flakes of the stuff everywhere, I'm afraid it's going to take over the world. Have any of you had this stuff...
  9. neilinny

    Smallest MH?

    What's the coverage area of this 70w setup?
  10. neilinny

    actinic pack

    full frontal makes a 15 pack
  11. neilinny

    actinic pack

  12. neilinny

    actinic pack

    sort of the same shot
  13. neilinny

    actinic pack

    zoas and shrooms with a bluelegged hermit(mahrgarita shell)
  14. neilinny

    actinic pack

  15. neilinny

    actinic pack

    these guys are still together, the white spots are nerite eggs(they're everywhere)
  16. neilinny

    actinic pack

  17. neilinny

    actinic pack

  18. neilinny

    actinic pack

  19. neilinny

    actinic pack

    blue shrooms from our host
  20. neilinny

    actinic pack

    blurry zoas