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  1. wobbe87

    2 shark egg hatched

    Congrats on the sharks. I had one that hatched a long time ago but traded it in, for it was to big for the tank after a while.
  2. wobbe87

    Shark Tank Filtration

    Thanks cincy, that is one aweome pond I gotta say. I think that my pond will be somewhat like yours but arounds 2000 or so. I was going to make a pond the shape of an oval so the sharks dont bump in the corners. And I was gonna do what you did cincy with the block but instead of that I was going...
  3. wobbe87

    Baby bonnetheads

    Wow, I really want to see your 18000 matiej. Soudns awesome. The basement shouldnt be done for about 4 or 5 mos so I got a lot of time for planning. I think I will keep researching and come up with a way I'm gonan do this. Thanks!
  4. wobbe87

    Baby bonnetheads

    Hey its me again, well I dont think im gonna go for a 18000. But I;m jus gonna go fora 3000, only a lil smaller lol. But again can you tell me how you built it, etc.
  5. wobbe87

    Baby bonnetheads

    Thanks everyone. We are making an addition and making my basement extremely larger. So, I was looking at your pond, mattiej. And I am going to make a very large pond like yours. I was wondering wha tthe dimensions are in your pond and how you created it. I was thinkin around a 18000 gallon pond...
  6. wobbe87

    Baby bonnetheads

    Hello, I was wondering if any of you knew where I can find baby (8-10 in) bonnethead sharks? If you need to email me I have a new email at .It would help a ton!
  7. wobbe87

    Official shark picture thread!

    lets get some more pics people, I should be getting some up soon.
  8. wobbe87

    180 gal stocking

    Hey all, new member here. Been reading the boards for like years lol but now decided to start postin. Im gettin a 180 galon corner tank soon. I am going to have a bamboo shark in there and maybe one more lil shark. I will also move my large lionfish into this tank. But wondering what would be...