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  1. lil_perc

    Sick anemone

    Maybe you should pull it out and see if its dead or on its way
  2. lil_perc

    Feather Duster fallen (and it can't get up! - sorry!)

    it should be fine but if it falls and i mean completely out of its tube it's dead
  3. lil_perc


    hey loco have you ever been to a place in GR called V.I.Pets?
  4. lil_perc

    Ordering fish online

    cool i think ill try it one of these days, it wont be a problem getting the $75 min from here it seems every time i go to the LFS i spend 50-100 bucks :D thanks for you replies:)
  5. lil_perc

    Zoo Pic

    if Bang left the Marine fish hobby there would be a lot of confused people and a TON more upside down fish :yes: PS great zoo pics makes me want to get some, but not till my tank ages more
  6. lil_perc

    Ordering fish online

    Hi i was wondering if any of you guys and gals had any luck with ordering fish and inverts (like shrimp) online. My LFS saw that i had a Doc Fosters and smith and told me that the fish are treated really bad and they thought it was inhumaine the way they shipped there fish. but when i got home...
  7. lil_perc

    Mantis Shrimp - Caught!!

    Mantis shrimp are to cool, unless they go on a Murderus rampage and kill your fish then there not,when i get more experiance under my belt i think im gonna try and get one of those shrimp, but as far as i've read people will pay top dollar for those aggressive buggers
  8. lil_perc

    Florida Or Fiji

    i have both Fiji and florida LR and i like the fiji a lot more than the florida. my fiji LR had all sorts of little caves and feather dusters but i didnt order mine online i got it from the LFS and how do u like having a hex tank? i've had a heck of a time getting lighting and other equipment...
  9. lil_perc

    Star fish

    i'd watch out for starfish booya those lil dudes can mess your tank up when they kick the bucket, i had a orange nob starfish for a month and in the 2 days it died he released a ton of ammonia for somthing smaller than a silverdollar
  10. lil_perc

    non-moving snails

    How big is your tank gess? if its not to big you could use some Ammonia Clear tablets. there made by Jungle and they neutralize ammonia. My ammonia is undetecable and my snails execpt for my turbo he never stops
  11. lil_perc

    Perucla clown new mate Questions.

    My clowns sleep by each other too, its kinda cute lol
  12. lil_perc

    bicolor peusedu (something like that)

    Yeah i hand one of those at my house(bicolor Pseudochromis), we dont speak of him anymore we called him the "evil fish" he didn't bother my shirmp until they molted then he whent wild and killed all my peppermint shrimp :mad: (cought him in the act) took him back to the LFS and said good bye to...
  13. lil_perc

    deep sea yellow gorgo?

    Yeah dude, ekclarks right thats one nice tank. I wish mine looked like that
  14. lil_perc

    Gorgonian growth in 4 days

    :) Thats to cool i've been thinking of getting one of those and i've herd there kinda easy to keep, are they?