Feather Duster fallen (and it can't get up! - sorry!)

Hi - just curious about a Feather Duster. I have two living side by side and yesterday, for no reason, one bent over and is laying with its crown near the sand bed. :thinking: It's still filtering, but it has a crimp in its tube ... The other one is still upright. SHould I be concerned? :rolleyes: ANyone have this happen? Thanks!


Active Member
Nothing to worry about.
Mine has lost it's feathers a few times for one reason or another, but always grown back so far.


Just keep an eye on it. It should still be able to filter feed, but not that well. It is capable of bending its tube back up. Its very interesting on how they do it as well (they twist their body for support).


Active Member

Originally posted by lil_Perc
it should be fine but if it falls and i mean completely out of its tube it's dead

Not necessarily, sometimes they will bail to build a new tube. It really depends on the reason it left the tube. I've had one live and one die after bailing from the tube. So, it doesn't necessarily mean they're finished if they ditch.