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  1. mistertayl

    Im s-ick

    I know But was a gift and NOW what? I cant take back Fortunately he has me to try and do best I can Should I change water (how much) or what??? :help:
  2. mistertayl

    Im s-ick

    I need help please My month old 30 gal cycled (so I thought) with LR, LS substrate from established aquarium and water was good. I have a millenium 3000 wet/dry running full blast with venturis going-plenty of water movement and bubbles. Now AM 0 nitrite 2 ppm nitrate 10 ppm ph 7.8 temp 80...
  3. mistertayl

    taking a dive

    Does anyone have any advice on what I can do for my fish? He is suffering. With ich in my tank and on my fish what do I need to do to make sure it doesn't hurt anything else? Mr T :nervous:
  4. mistertayl

    taking a dive

    Thanks but I have no plants so I turned up the venturis for more O2 I added formulin to water according to recommended by manuf. so far not good Should I add anything to the tank for medicating the fish or leave alone and hope for best Or what? Mr T
  5. mistertayl

    taking a dive

    Please help me if anyone can I have a 30 gal cycled for 3 wks now with LS and LR from another tank I have and am having troubles. AM 0 nitrate 10 ppm nitrite 2 ppm ph 7.8 I have made the mistake of adding fish when all looked good I thought and now I have ICH and my filefish is suffering and...