taking a dive


New Member
Please help me if anyone can
I have a 30 gal cycled for 3 wks now with LS and LR from another tank I have and am having troubles.
AM 0
nitrate 10 ppm
nitrite 2 ppm
ph 7.8
I have made the mistake of adding fish when all looked good I thought and now I have ICH and my filefish is suffering and soon I think he will die.
I have no QT but I have a small tank with LR and LS with feather dusters and a damsel and an anemone. All good in that tank(an eclipse).
What should I do??? for now.


Well-Known Member
Low ph indicates you have a carbon dioxide buildup in addition to the cycle the nitrItes indicate.
I would add all the plant life you could, increase circulation if possible, and stop feeding the fish until the nitrItes come down.
Or get the fish out of the tank until nitrItes fall and ph rise.


New Member
Thanks but I have no plants so
I turned up the venturis for more O2
I added formulin to water according to recommended by manuf.
so far not good
Should I add anything to the tank for medicating the fish or leave alone and hope for best
Or what?
Mr T


Well-Known Member
might try throwing in some garlic flakes with your flake food. I add both to a turkey baster then shake and squirt in the water. I do that once a week or so. Just not every day.
Don't like additives of any kind.
Again add plant life. but increased circulation will help.


New Member
Does anyone have any advice on what I can do for my fish?
He is suffering.
With ich in my tank and on my fish what do I need to do to make sure it doesn't hurt anything else?
Mr T :nervous: