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  1. gforce813

    Hard white dots

    No that’s not it. Looking at them with magnifying glass they just look like a grain of sand but more round no ruff surface.
  2. gforce813

    Hard white dots

    Recently I have been getting these hard white dots forming on the glass, rocks filter and sump any idea what it could be, they are about the size of a grain of sand and hard to remove from the glass
  3. gforce813

    What time do you wake up

    6:00 am I hate mornings
  4. gforce813

    Amiracle Filter

    Guess I came to the wrong place for some answers
  5. gforce813

    Amiracle Filter

    How do I get the protein skimmer to work properly on a Amiracle wet dry hang on filter I have tried every adjustment posable but still dosent skim anyone have any luck with this filter?Tank is 2 years old the filter is 3 months old I cant belive my tank is that clean :happyfish
  6. gforce813

    Time to change to sand

    Ok I’m not exactly new to the hobby (obsession) 20+ years, I’m old school I still use crushed corral and crushed oyster shell as my substrate. I’m having a custom built tank 96L 35W 30T about 430 gal lets talk about sand how much and has anyone ever used beach sand (yes I know it has all kinds...