Hard white dots


New Member
Recently I have been getting these hard white dots forming on the glass, rocks filter and sump any idea what it could be, they are about the size of a grain of sand and hard to remove from the glass


Active Member
If you look really, really close at them, are they actually little spirals? If so, you've got a break out of spirobid worms...I've got the same thing going on right now too. It's perfectly normal in a new system, from what I've been told.
Lisa :happyfish


New Member
No that’s not it. Looking at them with magnifying glass they just look like a grain of sand but more round no ruff surface.


hey, i aslo have some little with things on my glass, if you look above the damsel on the glass you will see them


Active Member
some kind of snail eggs i believe. five of them hatched in my old tank. i do not know they are good or bad.