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  1. darbronnoco

    New 28 gallon nano??

    I just got my 28 JBJ HQI it looks like a killer setup
  2. darbronnoco

    Please Help--lighting For Low Light Corals ???

    I have a 20 gallon with a 10K and atinic florsent light and I have enough light for several types of mushrooms, some Xenas, a leather, and some polipy guys. They all have been doing great and spreading like crazy. My tank is a bit smaller than your friends 30 though. I would start with...
  3. darbronnoco

    Puffer took a bite out of me

    oh yeah and the tank isn't much bigger than a 50 cent coin. but if he gets real big he has a new home in the 110 as well.
  4. darbronnoco

    Puffer took a bite out of me

    Originally Posted by boalgf What kind of puffer do you have? Honestly, no kind of tang or puffer (even a toby) is suited for a 20 gallon. Hope it works out for you. I'm not exactly sure what kind.... Kinda a greanish brown speckled back white belly. Like I said I have had him 2 years now...
  5. darbronnoco

    Puffer took a bite out of me

    I have a little puffer in my 20 gallon reef tank. He is only about 2" and has been about this size for probably 2 years now. He is the cuteist thing and he is easily everyone's favorite. I think my clown fish doesn't like him much. Kinda funny that my clown beats up my puffer! Just tghe...
  6. darbronnoco

    Starting an eel tank

    Maybe consider a puffer fish.... they have an awesome personality and I had one with my frimbrated morey for years.
  7. darbronnoco

    What the heck is this growing on my rock

    I have had my tank for over 2 years now and for the first time I am seeing this red almost vine looking stuff growing all over my rock. It was spread across the entire tank. what the heck is it. It is not very large, but covers most all of the rock. It isn't on the gravel or anything like...
  8. darbronnoco

    Porky PUFFED!

    My puffer puffs up randomly's kinda weird. Puffers are soo much fun to watch. enjoy Brad
  9. darbronnoco

    porky puffer and huma?

    I have a puffer and a huma in my 55 gal tank. they all play nice. I just hope they don't grow too quickly. I also have 2 morey eels in there too. The fish are a blast to watch. the puffer always steals the food from the trigger. Best of luck. Brad
  10. darbronnoco

    What to feed my little trigger???

    you could even try to feed your trigger live feeders from the local bate shop. Mine loves them every now and then for a treat. It's also a blast to watch him chase them down and fight over it with the puffer and eels. Best of luck.
  11. darbronnoco

    spiny puffer

    hey try krill. Thats what I had to give mine to get him eating at he'll eat anything and everything...even my finger! Brad
  12. darbronnoco

    Canister Filter-Magnum 350

    yeah I have a Magnum 350. They seem to work pretty good for me. You would still need a skimmer for sure. I also hooked up a fluid bed fileter in line with my magnum and it works great. thats just my 2 cents Brad
  13. darbronnoco

    white spot on trigger

    I have a humma humma trigger with a single white spot on his upper fin. He is swimming like nuting is wrong. He has had it several weeks now maybe 3 or 4. the spot looks like a white bump. It isn't ick, and I have no idea if over time this could get worse. Again this fish is healthy and...
  14. darbronnoco

    De worming a puffer/ and spot on fin question HELP

    THe trigger also has what looks like a laseration on his lower fin. I haven't noticed that getting any bigger. The white spot is still there. Does anyone know what this deworming thing is? HELP Brad
  15. darbronnoco

    De worming a puffer/ and spot on fin question HELP

    I guess my first question is....what is deworming and how do you do it. I have a puffer and I hear they may need this. How do I tell when they need it and How do I do this. My secone question is. I have a huma Trigger and he seems to have this large white spot on his fin. I don't think it is...
  16. darbronnoco

    Live Sand

    I would use a piece of tubing from the hard ware store...It may take a while but your tank won't get clody. good luck Brad
  17. darbronnoco

    29 Gallon Snowflake - Wrasse

    I have my snoflak in a 20 gal hex tank....He seems to be doing great. The only time I ever lost an eel was when he decided he wanted to eah my huge blue legged crab....I got back from my trip and saw that my crab was missing and that my eel had a huge lump in the middle of I wonder...
  18. darbronnoco

    Snowflake Morays

    YOu should be able to keep him in there, because I have a snowflake about that size in a 20 gal hex. He seems to be doing great. My clown fish loves to tease him. HE is out swimming almost all the time. I plan on getting a 55 gal tank soon, because I want another eel! goodluck
  19. darbronnoco

    What is this on my coral??

    I have these white spots growing on my coral. And there are these small spider web looking things in it. It seems to be spreading to my live rock too??? What is this stuff. Any help would be great. Thanks alot.
  20. darbronnoco

    Spider webbing on corals??

    There is also some white spots on the buttons. They seem to be attached to it. I not sure if that is the same thing. Thankss. If anyone else has any Ideas that could help I would be greatful. Thanks