Puffer took a bite out of me


Originally Posted by boalgf
Glad I can help. Don't leave the shell in there after he's done. If you like the look of it, clean it in some tank water (not in the tank itself) or RO water and put it back in. Otherwise toss it. My emp angel likes stealing the meat too. Did your puffer actually bite at the shell itself any, or just the meat?
What I like about the clams at harris teeter is that they are live. I've kept them in my firdge for weeks at a time and they survive somehow.

Puff actually bit at the shell. He did a pretty good job of it. I'll take it out now, though. I put those clams in the freezer when I got home. I had NO idea they would live like that. I just figured I'd thaw one out every week or so, and then put it in. Is that ok, or do I need to go drop another $4.00? I was thrilled when I saw the price. I'm used to lfs fish foods and those are in the $15-$20 range. So, I am willing to get more if I messed these up.


New Member
boalgf, thanks for th info. with a zebra lion, how big would some of the smaller fish (possibly a clown) have to be for the lion not to swallow it? would they be able to be with a lion, or is it just not gonna happen. btw, this is based on if i got the 125g. and if i got the 125g, how much water would i have to change and how often would i clean it? 125 is kinda big, so would it be logical to get a sump?
thanks 4 the info, you sound like you really know what youre doing.


dottiekh: Depending on the type of clams you have, you might be better off refrigerating them and not freezing them. Keeping them cold is needed, keeping them frozen will kill them. They keep them on ice at the store because they need to be around 40-50 F.
reffer: Dwarf lions go fine with clowns. Get a small 2 inch lion and a maroon, tomato, or maybe a full grown Ocellaris clownfish. Zebra lions only get to 6 or 7 inches. I do a water change in my 125 once a month, but I have heavy filtration and lots of live rock. SO you have to go according to your tank. I clean out the noticable waste from my tank everyday. Netting out the crap and excess food. Clean the glass weekly, removing any algae and dust. Mag-floats are really useful. I recommend a sump, they are very usefule for hiding equipment like skimmers and heaters. They also add water volume and you can turn it in to a refugium.

sarah fair

I know this is off subject but oh well...
Boalgf what kind of eel is in your picture?


Thanks man... He is quite the showoff for people when they come over. He will beg for for food, splash, spit, wiggle and boggie all around. :hilarious


Yea, the spitting thing was real cute the first couple of times. Now he just gets on my nerves during feeding time. I always walk away wet.


I understand about feeding time. I can't even bring the white frozen food bin into the room, cause if I do.. The fatso go completely bonkers!! Water is splashing out by the gallons. So I have to bring the food in by hand and feed it to him.


Yea I feed him last. He always scares the other fish, bowling them over in his drive to reach my hands. Always a crowd pleaser though. Unlike my marine beta. Sometimes I look at the tank and see him wading around in there and think, "Man, totally forgot you were in there."


Yep. Your routine on feeding is almost like mine. They get in a tight litle bunch in the left corner awaiting the food.
So I sprinkle the flakes for the smaller guys to eat. And when it's safe, I add the big stuff. But my Huma thinks he is as big as the Puffer. He will grab food right in front of his mouth and hi-tail it to some place safe.


My emperor angel is always barking at the others during feeding time. When they hear the noise they scatter. Today he tried it on the puffer and there was zero reaction from the puffer. He just kept right on eating all the food. I tried to tell the emp that it only works on the other fish but he never listens.


Originally Posted by boalgf
My emperor angel is always barking at the others during feeding time. When they hear the noise they scatter. Today he tried it on the puffer and there was zero reaction from the puffer. He just kept right on eating all the food. I tried to tell the emp that it only works on the other fish but he never listens.

your emperor barks?? :thinking:


Hey Sarah, it's a reticulated hookjaw moray. DME is looking for one on my behalf and he seems hopeful. I've got some mean spotted morays that are keeping me patient while I wait.
ZoëJeun, yea he barks. I can hear it clear across the room. Sounds like a dog underwater.


I appreciate it. I didn't post any pics of my powder blue, but she is adorable too. My eels aren't very cute, but they can sure shred a piece of fish.


I have a little puffer in my 20 gallon reef tank. He is only about 2" and has been about this size for probably 2 years now. He is the cuteist thing and he is easily everyone's favorite. I think my clown fish doesn't like him much. Kinda funny that my clown beats up my puffer! Just tghe other day I added a yellow tang to the mix and the puffer and the clown have been fighting over him. I think there is some love triangle going on in this tank! The clown, who does't like anyone will sleep right up against this tang!! but anyways if you guys are looking for a puffer there are some out there for smaller tanks. :)


What kind of puffer do you have? Honestly, no kind of tang or puffer (even a toby) is suited for a 20 gallon. Hope it works out for you.


Originally Posted by boalgf
What kind of puffer do you have? Honestly, no kind of tang or puffer (even a toby) is suited for a 20 gallon. Hope it works out for you.

I'm not exactly sure what kind.... Kinda a greanish brown speckled back white belly. Like I said I have had him 2 years now and he is still the same size as when I bought him. I was worried at first, but I figured if he got big he could move into my 110 gallon reef tank. He is a crazy little guy. He bit my girlfriends finger nail the other day and left a mark on it! He will even take little blood worms right from my hand!