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  1. newbie911

    FrogFish isnt eating

  2. newbie911

    FrogFish isnt eating

    My frog fish hasnt eatin in over a week. Ive had him over a year. He is in my ecosystem buy himself. He has always ate frozen krill and ghost shrimp real well. Water quality is good. Getting a little woried. Any sugjestions whould be much appreciated. Thanks, Drew
  3. newbie911

    CPR Bak-Pak

    so whod a prizm be better for a 50 and is it better in genral? Drew
  4. newbie911

    CPR Bak-Pak

    thanks guys anyone else had expirience? Drew
  5. newbie911

    CPR Bak-Pak

    is this a reliable skimmer does any one own one or can tell me something about it. Thanks Drew
  6. newbie911

    changeing out pc bulbs

    So wat are ur guyses opinions on this?
  7. newbie911

    CPR bak pak?

    is this a good reliable skimmer does any one own one
  8. newbie911

    changeing out pc bulbs

    I was wundering about that because i have the same lights but the set up you want and i was think about going to 50/50 because the back have of my tank doesnt get a whole lot of light and herd that 50/50 have the same out put
  9. newbie911

    Innsmouth got a question

  10. newbie911

    Innsmouth got a question

    Hi i just wanted to know how your pygmy is doing. Im workin on my octo tank write know gonna get a bimac. Have you been to TONMO very interesting and helpful? Drew
  11. newbie911

    Conch death

    schneidts that was a case for a while then i think it died and go eaten but it wasnt doing anything for a week or more.
  12. newbie911

    Conch death

    i had someone to take it ounce it got bigger but yes i had algea growth but it is the red kind but i have diatoms too(not as much though). He might have starved but i didnt think it was the issue.
  13. newbie911

    Conch death

    well while im asking questions my colt hasnt realy been growing maybe shrinking hard to tell. seperate from conch but might as well ask. Thanks much Drew
  14. newbie911

    Conch death

    Queen, 30 gal only a few mounths old, 1.5 inch roughly and rochester Hills are you neer wats ur LFS
  15. newbie911

    Conch death

    for some reson my conch wasnt beging real active for a few days then he died. Does anyone know why? or have any ideas?
  16. newbie911

    My 55 gal 8 months old

    neo what lfs do you go to? i live in rochester. nice tank Drew
  17. newbie911

    Octopus mercatoris

    hows he she(octopus) doin can u give an update. Im workin on my octo tank gonna get a bimac. Pretty siked. U have any more pics. I looks pretty big or mature for a pigmy. Drew
  18. newbie911

    Octopus mercatoris

    so how long are they expected to live? seems like its quit interactive. Drew
  19. newbie911

    Octopus mercatoris

    ohh man ive found some but they arnt real reliable and some are wild caught:nope:
  20. newbie911

    propugation of green star polyp

    quit a bit bigger and new stocks probally 7. Lighting PC.