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  1. newbie911

    FrogFish isnt eating

    My frog fish hasnt eatin in over a week. Ive had him over a year. He is in my ecosystem buy himself. He has always ate frozen krill and ghost shrimp real well. Water quality is good. Getting a little woried. Any sugjestions whould be much appreciated. Thanks, Drew
  2. newbie911

    CPR Bak-Pak

    is this a reliable skimmer does any one own one or can tell me something about it. Thanks Drew
  3. newbie911

    CPR bak pak?

    is this a good reliable skimmer does any one own one
  4. newbie911

    Innsmouth got a question

    Hi i just wanted to know how your pygmy is doing. Im workin on my octo tank write know gonna get a bimac. Have you been to TONMO very interesting and helpful? Drew
  5. newbie911

    Conch death

    for some reson my conch wasnt beging real active for a few days then he died. Does anyone know why? or have any ideas?
  6. newbie911

    propugation of green star polyp

    would i just slice inbetween the buds(individual polyps) and attach to a rock, and i should us a razor blade right. Also is it the same thing for xenias. Thanks, Drew
  7. newbie911

    Coral Problem !Help!

    My exinia is looking a little bad limp and sort of gray all my other corals are looking fine water conditions are good to and ive had it for about a mounth or more. Can anyone please tell me why this is happening or there opinions and if it might just be temporary. Drew
  8. newbie911

    sand sifting star

    wat are the pro's and cons on these guys does anyone have one any thing would be appretiated Drew
  9. newbie911

    Name changes

    does anyone know how to change your name without getting rid of your history. I dont want to be known as a newbie for ever Drew
  10. newbie911

    clown gobie question

    i got a clown gobie the other day and its has just been hangin onto the back wall and hardly moving off it, not swimming around, or going onto the rock. is this just cause he is acclimating to the new tank or is this all hes gonna do cause that whould be of a kinda bummer. Any help would be...
  11. newbie911

    any 75gal pics?

    i am concitering getting a 75 gallon and would just like to see some of your guyses tanks and lighting filtration ect.. i would really appreciate it. Drew:)
  12. newbie911

    anemone acting strange

    my anemone has sucked in all its tenticals and is now just a red blob hes done this befor and there is also some brown liqued coming out to please respond ASAP Drew
  13. newbie911

    alegae problem

    My tank has been havin some problems with green alegea its been manly growing on the glass and a little on the bottom. i wipe it off with the magnet but grows back within the day. wat is it from and how do i get rid of it. Thanks Drew
  14. newbie911

    anemone question

    Ive had my anemoe for about a week now and it hasnt moved alot which is good from wat i hear because it means hes happy with the place its in but to day it sucked in all its tentacles and sorta went into a whole. got him out but tentacals are still deflated and ect... good, bad, self...
  15. newbie911

    Michigan sales

    hi i was just wundering if anyone is considering seling anything in the michigan area. Cause im lookin for some equipment ect... Thanks Drew