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  1. sneed

    55 gal. for sale

    im sorry you all didnt get my email...i dont know what happened....anyway if you want just give me a call at 580-977-6419
  2. sneed

    55 gal. for sale

    Eric and Fran, i have sent you an email....The tank is still for sale...thanks.
  3. sneed

    55 gal. for sale

    thanks for your reply....i have sent you an email.
  4. sneed

    55 gal. for sale

    maybe $450 was to much....ill take $ get everything i own that relates to my fish tank....even all my testing supplies.
  5. sneed

    55 gal. for sale

    one year old 55 gal tank and stand for sale...and everything that goes with it (no fish) it has the lighting that came with it...crushed coral, heater, 30lbs of liverock, $450 in oklahoma area only...will not ship
  6. sneed


    i want to buy a skimmer from this site....witch one do you all recomend for a 55 gal?
  7. sneed


    what kind of play sand do u use?
  8. sneed

    question about agae.

    i have a 55gal fowlr tank two mollies and 1 damsel...several inverts and 25 pounds of live rock. I have a algae prob and i was woundering if i could just turn the light out for a few days to kill the algae....or would it kill hurt my live rock too? Thanks
  9. sneed

    quick q that i never really got an answer for

    can i use just plain distilled water(like you would but from wal-mart) to do water top off?
  10. sneed

    just a question

    can you keep a snowflake eel in a 55 gal. comunity tank?
  11. sneed

    is this to much

    here is a list of fish i would like to have some day...tell me if it is too much for a 55 gal. copper band butterfly naso tang hippo tang 2 perc clowns
  12. sneed


    ok, thanks :D
  13. sneed


    thanks for your reply...but can you use bottled water from wal-mart?
  14. sneed


    when doing water changes or top offs can i use plain distilled water from wal-mart? if so can you just dump it in right away?
  15. sneed

    Live Rock and fish lighting

    i say go with what the sun does...just like in the wild.
  16. sneed

    my brittle star

    thanks for all the info everyone :D
  17. sneed

    my brittle star

    i hope i didnt offend you....i am greatful for any advise i get...i was just tell you how i came to get all of my inverts. :)
  18. sneed

    my brittle star

    i got my inverts off this site...i orded the 20-55 gal. reef package. i figure wouldnt sell them like that if it was a problem. :notsure:
  19. sneed

    my brittle star

    i have a 55 gal. a month old...finished cycle a week ago...that's when i got the clean up crew....i have 1 damsel and two black mollies, 20 scarlets and 20 blue legs 20 turbo snails and 5 nassisic (sp?) snails 1 coral band shrimp and 3 emerald crabs and 2 brittle stars.
  20. sneed

    my brittle star

    thank you for your reply....but to answer your not sure :notsure: because i hardly ever see them. they hide alot...but i did notice that the other star fish (whom i see more often) is missing a leg too. and i did notice that sometimes they hide where my damsel you think...