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  1. sneed


    i mean can you you but RO/DI water at places like Wal-mart?
  2. sneed


    can you only buy RO/DI water from LFS?
  3. sneed

    how do I get my Emperor 400 to stop making so many bubbles?

    whats wrong with a few bubbles? is it a problem?
  4. sneed

    my brittle star

    one of my brittle star's legs are falling off...what do you make of this....will they grow back?
  5. sneed

    my brittle star

    i bought 2 brittle starts 3 days ago....and when i put them in the tank they both ran for the rocks and i see one of them from time to time but he mostly stay hidden...but he does come out now and then...however the other has not come out once since the first day that he hid under the...