how do I get my Emperor 400 to stop making so many bubbles?


When the water is being returned to the tank it is making a decent amount of bubbles. Anyone else experience this and can it be adjusted were it will not do that?


Active Member
how high above the waterline is your return "troughs"? also, what are you running inside it, as far as carbon or prefilters or whatnot. i've got one running on a 20 and i don't have that problem, but i've had it continuously running for over a year.


the return water is dropping maybe an inch before it hits the waterline. I currently only have 2 disposable filters inside of it.


well my troughs actually go down into the water but where the water drops off the bio-wheel is close to an inch above the water surface and this is causing bubbles once it hit the water..


I also have an empore 400 it will make unwanted bubbles if it is above the water level like Grgvabch and Ebsochin suggested, also sometimes the carbon pellets can cause this if theyshift around and are not fully saturated.:D :D


Active Member
do you have your filter running on high? i think bringing your water level up a little bit and maybe adjusting either your intake amount or your spray bars for the bio-wheels, or adjusting both, could solve your problem.