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  1. koolkev

    How many forum users does it take to change a light bulb???

    wow.. my bad... im TIRED!!!
  2. koolkev

    How many forum users does it take to change a light bulb???

    I was board and had to think up of somthing to wright!!!
  3. koolkev

    How many forum users does it take to change a light bulb???

    Question: How many forum users does it take to change a light bulb? Answer: 1 to change the light bulb and to post that the light bulb has been changed 14 to share similar experiences of changing light bulbs and how the light bulb could have been changed differently 7 to caution about the...
  4. koolkev

    Goals for you tank??

    Originally posted by COWFISHRULE goal for my tank = survival LOL!!
  5. koolkev

    What do you think?!?!?!

    Here is a pic of my rearanged live rock!!! What do u think of it?:confused: :confused: It doesn't look like I have that much in there but there is at least 35 lbs.
  6. koolkev

    Tang Death!!!

    a 30g... 36"...
  7. koolkev

    Tang Death!!!

    Can I get anymore fish!?!?!?!?!?!
  8. koolkev

    SO Frustrated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    What you could do is make your own base rock out of concrete and shape the concrete to make whatever looking shapes you want!!! I haven't done it, but I just want to make a suggestion!!! Do a search if you think this is a good idea on making your own base rock or something!!! Kevin aka koolkev
  9. koolkev

    Tang Death!!!

    With those two fish... what other fish could I get... Could I get clownfish with them... Could I even get some mushrooms, corals, etc??? THanX. Kevin aka koolkev
  10. koolkev

    Tang Death!!!

    What I think really happened... I came home from school today and my 3 week old Yellow Tang was lying on the bottem of the tank... I think the Tang and eigther my dottyback or damsel got in a fight or something... a week earlier I did notice some scratch marks on him and noticed that his top...
  11. koolkev

    My first Tang and Dottyback

    I got another pic of the Tang w/ the Dottyback:
  12. koolkev

    An few new pics!

    GO VIKES!!! O yeah... Nice Pics too... hehehehehehe Kevin aka koolkev
  13. koolkev

    My first Tang and Dottyback

    The grass is just part of my wallpaper stuff on the back... LOL I know im not supose to get a Tang for just a 30 gal. and that's why i bought him as a baby... When he gets bigger I'll prob. just give him to one of my friends with a 55... or just upgrade myself
  14. koolkev

    And I shall call him spike

    Where did you get it!?!?!?! That is the SWEETEST star fish i have ever seen!!!
  15. koolkev

    My first Tang and Dottyback

    And here is the Neon Dottyback...
  16. koolkev

    My first Tang and Dottyback

    The Yellow Tang!!!
  17. koolkev

    My first Tang and Dottyback

    My first few fish... I just recently purchased a Neon Dottyback, Yellow Tailed Blue Damsel, and a Yellow Tang... I'll try and get some pics!!! All of which are Vikings colors... GO VIKES!!! Kevin aka koolkev :jumping: :jumping: :jumping:
  18. koolkev

    Killing Aptasia!!!

    At least I don't have a job as a street sweeper
  19. koolkev

    Killing Aptasia!!!

    Sweet.. Thanx a lot... I'll have to get a couple of peppermint shrimp... Kevin aka koolkev