Search results

  1. muskyhunte

    New Clam

    I just put the clam in and was moving the gonipora around. It will open later.
  2. muskyhunte

    New Clam

    Here is a picture of the clam I just picked up from my LFS
  3. muskyhunte

    ISO 110 gallon Tank

    Hello Every one I am ISO a 110 gallon tank in the Allentown, Pa. Area. If anyone has something please contact me. I would even settle for a 120 or a 90 gallon tank.
  4. muskyhunte

    ISO of fluval 404 Canister filter

    Ya I know their not that much. Im just looking for a used one for a tank im setting up.
  5. muskyhunte

    ISO of fluval 404 Canister filter

    I am ISO a fluval 404 canister filter that is in good working order. If any one has one a a good price please contact me.
  6. muskyhunte

    Powder Blue Doing Great

    I have a juvinal and Im starting him out in a 46 for now until I get my 110 up and running
  7. muskyhunte

    Powder Blue Doing Great

    Its been 4 days now and my Powder Blue is doing great. No signs of ich and eating like a hog. So fas so good. Keeping my finger crossed. All I see this fish do is pick at the rock.
  8. muskyhunte

    Holes for new tank

    I would order a reef ready tank with the overflow already built into the tank. Why drill hole if you dont need to. Let the experts do that for you. Ask your LFS to order a reef ready tank with overflows.
  9. muskyhunte

    Can someone id this for me?

    can you get a better picture. Looks like a bumble bee snail to me.
  10. muskyhunte

    New Oxypora

    Good Morning Yetserday at my LFS i found a nice piece of Oxypora and at the base were come green poltps. I have a couple of questions 1. Feeding instructions. I am currently feeding Phyto, zoo and chromo max to my corals. Should I use anthing special for this coral 2. High water flow or low...
  11. muskyhunte

    New Powder Blue Tang

    Good Morning Everyone Well I got my Powder Blue Tang on Saturday morning and with my fingers crossed so far so good. The fish is eating good and ducking in and out of the rocks. No signs of stress or ich yet. what makes these fish so hard to keep. I heard of people buying these fish getting them...
  12. muskyhunte

    My new Yellow Cup coral

    WOW that looks great. Where di you get that cup at.
  13. muskyhunte

    Flakes VS Pellets

    I do the same thing. Place some flakes in a cup add water and dump into my tank.
  14. muskyhunte

    problems with my frog spawn

    you should be feeding zoo max, phyto max znd chromo max to your frogspawn
  15. muskyhunte

    ISO of used 90 or 100 gallon tank

    I am ISO a used 90 or 100 gallon tank in the Allentown, Pa. area. If anyone hase something please contact me.
  16. muskyhunte

    problems with my frog spawn

    What are you feeding your frog spawn.
  17. muskyhunte

    ISO of 90 or 110gallon used tank in Allentown Pa

    I am ISO of a used 90 or 110 gallon tank in the lehigh valley area. If anyone has something please contact me.
  18. muskyhunte

    Ich Attack

    There is this product on the market no called Stop Parasite. 100% reef safe. I spoke with the Hiden Reef in Phily. and this is what they sugested. They also told me to do the proper dosing and not over dose. 100% safe for snails, crabs, starfish, clams, oyster ect.
  19. muskyhunte

    Ich Attack

    yes this can be done. You need to see me at work in the morning and i will fill you in on how to cure your tank from ich
  20. muskyhunte

    Best diet for Powder Blue Tang

    according to my LFS the powder blue, yellow tang and hippo shold be fine.