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  1. sds

    cleaning an empty tank

    Hi everyone. I'm trying to clean out my 65 gallon tank (empty right now). It's got some old dried up algea on the sides. What's the best way to get it as clean as possible besides good ol' fashion elbow grease? Any tips/tricks out there that has worked well? :notsure:
  2. sds

    65 Tank, stand, canopy-TN

    I have some misc. items I will be happy to throw in. I have a Magnum 350 canister pump, heater, lights...and other things. I will send you a picture tonight. Forgive the mess, I am still cleaning it up. Thanks!
  3. sds

    65 Tank, stand, canopy-TN

    Hi. I have the following for sale: 65 Gal Tank Pine Stand & Canopy with 48" lights. Can send a picture if interested. Best Offer accepted. :happyfish
  4. sds

    Tiny white spot on new coral beauty??

    I don't know if this will help or not, but I had somewhat of a similar situation with my CB Angelfish. I got her from my LFS when she was a baby and she had two white spots on her. They told me it was calcium buildup and she would be OK. Well, whether or not that is correct, she never...
  5. sds

    Want new fish!!

    I am researching for a new fish (after i get my alega bloom under control, that is) and would appreciate your suggestions. Here is my current list: 1 Coral Beauty Angelfish 2 B&W O.Clownfish 1 O&W P. clownfish 1 LMB 1 Bartlett Anthia 1 Royal Gramma The O&W clownfish did have a partner, but she...
  6. sds

    Cloudy Water

    I know I'm asking an old question...but the water in my tank is very cloudy. Looks a little green. Water change needed? I changed water last week. I first noticed it when I broke down the tank and scrubbed all the algea off...then I did a 12 gal water change. It never cleared up. Any...
  7. sds

    ? for Bang Guy

    thanks! She's not quite that big...yet.....
  8. sds

    ? for Bang Guy

    Happy turkey day weekend to everyone!! Bang, I have a question for ya and am in need of your expert knowledge. I have a pair of B&W O. clownfish. How do you know if the female is pregnant? My female has a rather large "pudge" in her belly and I can't tell if she's just fat and happy or a soon...
  9. sds

    Strangest fish combos?

    I was wondering what strange fish combo's everyone has? You know, the classic exception to the rule-two or more fish that aren't supposed to get along, but do. I have a pair of O&W P. clownfish and a pair of B&W O. clownfish that I have heard that aren't supposed to get along.
  10. sds

    Anthia not eating

    it could be possible...the other one can be a bit of a bully. My filter is not working so I cannot get her into the other tank until I replace it. Do you think she'll be ok until I can get it replaced?
  11. sds

    Anthia not eating

    Ok...I'm confused...I have two bartlett anthias for well over 6 months. For the past few days I've noticed that one of my anthia's is not eating. She (or he?) hangs out in one spot at the bottom of the tank like she is scared. I have another one that is doing very well as well as my other...
  12. sds

    LMB Personality

    How does your LMB act? I feel like I got two fish in one. He's digging out a space under one of my LR for his home and he's acting like a jawfish. I originally got him to take care of my algea. Maybe he's considering a career change to construction?
  13. sds

    Anthia temperment

    Hey guys..I have a pair of Bartlett Anthia's that I purchased from my LFS. They have been living in harmony (famous last words, huh?) until recently. The larger one is showing aggressive behavior towards the somewhat smaller one. There hasn't been any nipping (not that I can tell anyways)...
  14. sds

    B&W and Percs

    I have a pair of Ocillaris (sp?) B & W and a pair of Perc (O & W) clownfish. They don't bother each other....except for when the small perc gets into the B &W territory....then he gets chased away...but other than that....I guess I'm lucky?
  15. sds

    Dead Cleaner Shrimp-what happened??

    Thanks for everyone's help!!! I appreciate it...I did gradually intro tank water into the bag; but I guess I had everything working against me.
  16. sds

    Dead Cleaner Shrimp-what happened??

    I am at a lost here. I purchased a pretty big cleaner shrimp from my LFS around lunchtime on a Saturday. 3 hrs later, it is belly up!!!! :notsure: What happened? I tested my water and everything was great! It wasn't eaten or damaged or anything. I floated the bag like I was supposed to...
  17. sds

    Inventory OK?

    The first four are already established in my tank. I was just wanting to finish up my tank. I didn't think about the color issue. I know the CB shouldn't be housed with other dwarf angles. I've had several people ride both sides of the fence...some say the RB will be OK..others say my tank's...
  18. sds

    Inventory OK?

    Is this too much for a 65 gallon? Coral Beauty Royal Gramma 2 B&W clownfish LMBlennie (I haven't gotten these yet, but this is what hopefully will complete my tank-if it's not too much) Raccoon Butterflyfish Bartlett Anthias Any personality issues that I should be aware of? I've done my...
  19. sds

    QT tank size= what size fish?

    I have a 10 gal QT tank and I was wondering if there was a certain size of fish I can keep in there before I display into my main tank. I only have a 65, so I won't be QT'ing anything huge. Let me explain, I purchased a Kole Tang and placed him in my QT with lights off. All my parameters are...
  20. sds

    Bad advise from the LFS...

    Me: I noticed my Raccoon Butterflyfish (that I purchased from them) has some spots on him, I'm looking for a treatment. LFS: Oh, it's nothing, probably just a general parasite fish get. Buy a cleaner shrimp and he'll take care of him. (The RBF took care of the shrimp-sucked him dry later that...