Bad advise from the LFS...

Me: "What do I need for filtration on a 150 gallon tank?"
Answer: 2 skilters @ $80 each, 1 magnum canister filter @ $150, and a Seaclone 150 @ $210
Online retailers are priceless, especially if you are patient and are willing to look around a little bit.
Ignore most everything that a LFS tells you!!!!!!!!!!!!


Me: I noticed my Raccoon Butterflyfish (that I purchased from them) has some spots on him, I'm looking for a treatment.
LFS: Oh, it's nothing, probably just a general parasite fish get. Buy a cleaner shrimp and he'll take care of him.
(The RBF took care of the shrimp-sucked him dry later that night right before he died. Bad seafood?)

debbie g

Me: "So, you advise me to put this liquid stuff in the tank to make it cycle faster, huh? Will I still see diatoms?"
LFS: "What's diatoms?"
Another day....
Me: "So I have a 55 gallon tank with a volitans lionfish, three damsels and a clown. Would adding this blue hippo tang be okay?"
LFS: "Sure"
The hippo developed ick the following day, the LFS told me to just wait it out. I did. Hippo got worse....the end of this story is that everything in my tank died and the chemicals he kept recommending actually caused me to completely empty it, get rid of all the substrate and dry out the tank. Not pleasant.


Originally posted by mightyoxjuice
Answer: 2 skilters @ $80 each, 1 magnum canister filter @ $150, and a Seaclone 150 @ $210
I think MY LFS guy musta moved to Lima, cause that's EXACTLY what I was told when I started!!



Originally posted by Hafen
Check out how I got taken if you have not read it yet....
Under New Hobbyists - Must have had "SUCKER" on my forehead!!!
:scared: :eek:

Boy, I was hopin' you'd post here. I almost did it for you!! I couldn't believe your ordeal!!
So far your winnin'... J/K


Active Member
I got a couple of horror stories, and I am 15 years old:
Went to the LFS, LOVED the Porcupine Puffer.
Me: What do I need?
LFS: Umm, u need a tank...salt of course, a filte, and a heater if u want.
I bought the tank and salt and small filter. No hood, no heater, no lights.
He was nice enough to let me know about live sand at least.
I dumped in the salt, tap water. Put fish in, Didnt warn me about ----.
Next morning, fishy is :nope: Dead.
They have always given me halfhearted advice. Me, being totally cheap, always looked to the easier sid, and they never told me exactly what I needed. Told me that I should feed live guppies to my lion, sold me a scooter blenny "It'll take out the algae". Never knew that they eat pods, and I bet that they still dont know that either. NEver told me about live rock, never knew about chemical levels, as you can already tell, never said anything about cycling. "Sailfin tang will be allright in a 55". Water changes were never made known to me until an Ammonia spike and dead fishies. I jave lost countledd dollars to this place, although he his givin me many, many deals believe it or not. I thought he was being nic, and now I know why. Well, I know more than them now thanks to countless hours pouring over info. O, for that acrylic tank before, get some like acrylic sheets or something like that, fit it in the inside of the tank and another piece on the outside. Then try to use some silicone sealent. That should work to some extent, and other reinforcements should work. Now there is the cluelessness level. Wat kinda anemone is that? "Pacific Anemone". Actually, its a bubble tipped moron. Wat kinda of butterfly is that? "Hawaiina Butterfly". Wat kinda shark? "Pacific shark". And the snowflakes are just plain "Morays". And the funny things is, I keep going back there. LOL, also, please tell me wat a cowfish is and pictures too please.