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  1. neubrant


    I have the same problem. no idea what causes it. Very anoying. Anyone out there have advice?
  2. neubrant

    excellent water parameters - dying mushrooms

    thanks for your help. I'll be patient and see what happens.
  3. neubrant

    excellent water parameters - dying mushrooms

    they're at the bottom of the tank on the sand. At least 18 inches.
  4. neubrant

    excellent water parameters - dying mushrooms

    I run my acintic lights for 11 hours and the main lights for 8 hours. I'll have to check the pH swing - but it was pretty stable last time i checked. I run the fuge 24/7 witht he lights on.
  5. neubrant

    excellent water parameters - dying mushrooms

    Sorry - I missed the Cu. question - i have never put Cu. in the tank and i'm the original owner. The coraline coverage is very good in the tank - not bleaching at all. My Shrimps and crabs and feather dusters are all fat an happy 0- no problems at all. Just snails and now the Mushroom i...
  6. neubrant

    excellent water parameters - dying mushrooms

    I have the Coralife PC 260 w. system with the default bulbs. That should suffice, correct? I Haven't measured dKH in a long time - but i'll check it tonight. I don't have any corals in the tank (unless you include a good amount of coraline algae coverage on the LR)- this was my first attempt at...
  7. neubrant

    excellent water parameters - dying mushrooms

    I checked my tank last night. I have no flat worms and no LPS in the tank. I just noticed another anomaly. I can't see a sing snail in my tank. They're all dead. I noticed the population declining but thought it was due to blue hermits killing them. Could the dead snails and dying...
  8. neubrant

    excellent water parameters - dying mushrooms

    Thanks, I've been away from the board a long time. What Is LPS?
  9. neubrant

    excellent water parameters - dying mushrooms

    Thanks If its a possible issue - i might as well invest for the long term. Can someone explain or point me to a place where Salinity and Alkanlity parameters are explained? i.e, what do they mean, what affects them, how do they affect fish/corals etc.
  10. neubrant

    excellent water parameters - dying mushrooms

    Thanks If its a possible issue - i might as well invest for the long term. Can someone explain or point me to a place where Salinity and Alkanlity parameters are explained? i.e, what do they mean, what affects them, how do they affect fish/corals etc.
  11. neubrant

    excellent water parameters - dying mushrooms

    SG is 1.023. I don't know what the alkalinity or salinity is - to be unfortunately honest - i've never tested (or understood) these parameters Do you suspect the cultprit lies here?
  12. neubrant

    excellent water parameters - dying mushrooms

    I have a 55 Gallon with a 10 gallon fuge. PH 8.3, Nitrates, 5 Calcium at 420, Nitrite 0. temp 78-79 265 watts, PC lighting 50 lb. of live rock. The tank has been running for 1 year. Everything seems to be doing well but my blue mushrooms have died within days(twice) of putting them into...
  13. neubrant

    Fat Fox Face

    i have a fox face tang whose stomach is getting abnormally fat. He's eating but it does not appear to be digesting. Is this normal?