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  1. crusinlow

    can u id worm?

    Why are these bad?And the worm like thing that lools as if it is going back into itself ,the one I have has a brush for a head ,these are bad right ?I had a very healthy piece of green star polyps on a big rock and they all started to dissapear is it because of this worm?It is also striped like...
  2. crusinlow

    Bug of the Week - Cirolanid Isopods

    Hey any of you with infected tanks ever get one latched on to your hand or arm?And is it possible for them to burrow into a human arm since they like blood?
  3. crusinlow

    polyp problems

    polyp problems I just cant seem to keep small colonys of yellow,green star, blonde star,or clove polyps.perameters are ph 8.2,ammonia 0,nitrates0,nitrites 0,calcium450,salinity1.024,phosphate 0. two and a half years up 55gal. 200 watts of pc and vho,10 gal fuge temp between 80 and 82.dose two to...
  4. crusinlow

    cracking center brace

    Caution to you, one of my buddies had that happen to his 150 and we repaired it with a u shaped brace that you could not see under the canopy.Bad thing ,less than 2 month later he went outside and when he got back in his tank sprung a leak,a biggggggggg leak out the side .Needless to say he quit...
  5. crusinlow

    500 gal reef converted to 850gal reef

    Your tank is everyone's dream tank it is truly awesome.Ican't wait to see your upcoming web site.One of my questions is how did you place all your rock and corals?:notsure:
  6. crusinlow


    finally my thread has shown up
  7. crusinlow

    its a weird thing

    Ok this is whats weird,I posted three pics they apeared to have popped up on the properly for the aquarium of the month but then they all disapered as if I never posted them.Every thing went thru ok.Correct pic size and all ,then like magic POOF gone.I had recently posted a new thread and same...
  8. crusinlow

    Diy chiller help

    how about if you create a coil out of using clear plastic tubing creating a circular motion thru out the inside of the freezer. Into the appliance by drilling a hole ,coiling inside,out thru a drilled hole . I been thinking sbout it myself, seems to be real feesable,and ran by a big enough...
  9. crusinlow

    polyp problems

    what would you say that is the leading cause of the loss of all diffrent types of polyps from button to yellow and stick polyps because after a month or to they start to die off? My ammonia 0,Ph 8.2,nitrites 0,nitrates 0, phosphates 0, 195 watts pc,and 70 watts vho,1seaclone skimmer,1 -10gal...
  10. crusinlow

    what's going on

    Ok I made a post,then i got a few replies but they were not were not under the subject but under my user name and I cant figure out for the life of me how to post a pic. Help please newbie at ths. Thx
  11. crusinlow

    ployp problems

    what would you say that is the leading cause of the loss of all diffrent types of polyps from button to yellow and stick polyps because after a month or to they start to die off? My ammonia 0,Ph 8.2,nitrites 0,nitrates 0, phosphates 0, 195 watts pc,and 70 watts vho,1seaclone skimmer,1 -10gal...