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  1. ap7x

    for sale 40lbs live rock 125 includes shipping

    If you still have available, very interested E-mail me at Thanks
  2. ap7x

    Live Rock Dirt Cheap!!!!!!!!

    How much live rock do you have to sell? Also, what type of LR (Fiji, caribbean, etc) do you have? Thanks
  3. ap7x

    Shrimp Limit?

    Today I went to the LFS and got two Peppermint Shrimp for my 12g NanoCube. However, I was wondering if adding two Cleaner Shrimps would be ok? I wanted to house them for a few months in the Nano while we setup a 120+g (haven't decided specifically how big) reef tank for the living room. Thanks
  4. ap7x

    Frozen Foods ??

    As far as I can tell, not quite room temp but it's not really cold in there. Ice cream melted...etc Time-wise, I'm not exactly sure. Just to be safe, I'll say 24hrs because the freezer - and thus food - was fine the day before. Thanks
  5. ap7x

    Frozen Foods ??

    My freezer broke down sometime yesterday which contained the package of frozen food (stunk up the freezer :mad: Anyways, I was jus wondering if the food is still good if I refreeze it or if its been...spoiled? Thanks
  6. ap7x

    Active Fish for 12g NanoCube

    I have a 12g NanoCube setup. There's about 22 lbs of LR in there setup into nice passages and such. I was wondering what is an active fish that will swim around the and out the rocks, etc. Thanks
  7. ap7x

    New clowns

    Hey I tested the water again and all parameters were good to go so I went to the LFS yesterday and got a pair of Percs. I acclimated them with the drip method and put them in the tank. They are in the front left corner of the tank together and won't swim anywhere else. Just up and down that...
  8. ap7x

    New Clowns

    Hey I tested the water again and all parameters were good to go so I went to the LFS yesterday and got a pair of Percs. I acclimated them with the drip method and put them in the tank. They are in the front left corner of the tank together and won't swim anywhere else. Just up and down that...
  9. ap7x

    No cycle?'s been about 5 days since I setup my NanoCube with ~22 lbs of LR and 20 lbs of LS. Today I just decided to check the ammonia, nitrite, and pH of the water. Both ammonia and nitrite were basically at 0 (i say basically because my kit has a color range where the lowest for nitrite was <...
  10. ap7x

    No cycle?'s been about 5 days since I setup my NanoCube with ~22 lbs of LR and 20 lbs of LS. Today I just decided to check the ammonia, nitrite, and pH of the water. Both ammonia and nitrite were basically at 0 (i say basically because my kit has a color range where the lowest for nitrite was...
  11. ap7x

    New tank setup : Few Questions

    I recently setup a NanoCube ... I bought ~22 lbs of LR and 20 lbs of LS at the LFS and it's cycling right now. However, I just had a few questions: As the store person said, I was lucky the day I went to get LR cause it was from one of the tanks they kept corals and such in. At least I think...
  12. ap7x

    36w replacement for 24w in NanoCube (MarineSnow..?)

    Hello, This question is geared specifically for MarineSnow, but whoever can help is welcome too ^^; I read about the bulb change you did on the NanoCube to a 36w Custom SeaLife... I did a search on ----, and I just wanted to make sure if this was it...
  13. ap7x

    Saltwater Starter

    Thanks for the help. Setup the tank with LR and LS... 22 lbs of LR and 20 lbs of LS from the LFS They got some of the LR from a tank they kept in the store so it's fully cured and has some life on it already. Couldn't get pictures but some main things I saw on the LR: *Something that looks like...
  14. ap7x

    Saltwater Starter

    Quick :help: I am going out to get the LR and LS tomorrow from a reliable LFS...well, I setup the tank today - mixed the saltwater, tested salinity, filled tank. Sponge material is still in I've said before, bioballs and ceramic's are out. However, I forgot bout the bag of...
  15. ap7x

    Saltwater Starter

    Ok, thanks. Took them out and put them in some ziplock bags. Keep the sponge material in there? I've read some other posts where some people took them out and put rock or some other things? Also - just curious, what is that magnetic thing with the velcro on one side? The rectangular...
  16. ap7x

    Saltwater Starter

    Hey guys Thanks for the help so far. Today I bought the 12g NanoCube. Along with it I got some basic stuff - the heater, saltmix, test kit, buffer, hydrometer I'm going back Wednesday to get some Live Rock and Live Sand - then the cycling will begin =P I dont like the waiting ^^; But anyway, a...
  17. ap7x

    Saltwater Starter

    Hello, For a few days now I've been reading up on starting a saltwater aquarium. I happened to find during my research and thus this message board, which I am happy to say is my best source as of yet =P Being a freshman in college, there's not much room in the dorm for a nice big...