Search results

  1. eddieshana

    PA looking for 55-100g setup

    I live in Northern PA, right on The jersy border. I am looking for either a 55g, or larger, i dont really wnat to go over 120g. I would like to get lights, filter, all the hardwear i would need to get started. If you have this i am willing to drive a little, good excuse to take a road trip...
  2. eddieshana

    Looking to buy in NJ

    Klongo, i might be intrested in that tank. I live in PA by the water Gap, if you still have it let me know. Eddie
  3. eddieshana

    75 gal reef tank for sale

    I would deffinatly be intrested but i live in PA, you dont come out here do ya! Maybe meet half way if you want, or maybe i could drive up, make a weekend out of it. do you know how far it is? Let me know what you think. I am intrested.
  4. eddieshana


    Hi, I was hoping someone could explain what kind of lights i need for a 55g tank. I am going to have coral and would like some plants. I dont know much about the kind of lights i am going to need so any info would help. Also can i buy parts at Home depot or an electronics store and build a setup...
  5. eddieshana

    my 55 gallon

    Hi Corbin, thats a really nice tank! I was wondering if you could tell me what equipment you have, I think i am gonna get a 55g tank and i would love to build something like you have. If its not to much trtouble could you tell me exactly what you did to get your tank cycled, thanks. Eddie
  6. eddieshana

    just got a 29g tank

    Thank you Elpezgrand, your advice has deffinatly helped! Know what if i go ahead and get a 55g tank, will i be better off. I deffinatly want to get a tang and some other pretty fish, I dont neccicarely want to have a Reef, (right know anyway), but i do want to get a couple pieces of coral. So...
  7. eddieshana

    just got a 29g tank

    Thank you guys so much, i will deffinatly take your advive whole hartedly and read, read,read. But i have one question, What and/or where is LFS??
  8. eddieshana


    Hello, I have an empty 29g tank, i need to know what kind of filter i should buy to start a nice clean saltwater eviorment, i already have a 20-30 hangup filter, I am not sure if this is going to be good enough. Also if anyone can give me a list of exactly what equipment i need to get started i...
  9. eddieshana

    just got a 29g tank

    thanks chinawoods, but can you tell me the exact equipment i should get to start, i keep hearing allot about skimmers, is the filter i got good enough, its a 20-30 hangup filter, and is the one floresent light enough. If you could tell me exactly what equipment you would get for a 29g tank that...
  10. eddieshana

    just got a 29g tank

    So if i were to start to cycle my tank what exactly would i need and could you give me an idea on prices, like i said got the tank a 100w heater and hood with floresent light. I really would love to get a couple pices of coral/rock, and 2 or 3 fish then add smaller fish as time goes on. I dont...
  11. eddieshana

    just got a 29g tank

    Yea i figured i should. I think i am gonna start a freshwater tank now, and get a good book about saltwater and research all i can to learn more about it. I appreciate your advice. Would you have any recomandations on any books out there?
  12. eddieshana

    just got a 29g tank

    Hello all, I just got a 29g tank and i am soooo excited to fill it, i was gonna start with fresh water but after looking around i am considering starting a saltwater tank. I would really appreciate some advise on how i can start. I already have a filter and heater. My i only have a floresent...
  13. eddieshana

    new to the hobbie

    Hi all, i just got a 29g tank and i was going to get fresh water fish and plants but now i am thinking about starting with saltwater. I would love some advice on everything i need to get started. Thanks much.